
  1. C

    PhotoFast CR-5400

    Hey there! I just bought a PhotoFast cr-5400 and 2x8gb microSD and i have a couple of problems.. First of all im using a psp slim 2g the card its self fits kinda hard but it in.. when i format the from the psp at the end it says there isint a memortstick inside the psp.. strange?! but okey it...
  2. C

    PHOTOFAST CR-5400 for a Phat psp

    i read in another thread that PHOTO FAST CR-5400 may not work on a PSP 1000 and i was looking to upgrade from my 1gb card to as high as i could PHOTOFAST CR-5400 + 2x16GB MICRO SD = 32GB hell yeah! im running 4.01 cfw on phat PSP
  3. C

    Photofast CR5400 File Organisation?

    QUESTIONS... I was thinking of buying one of these adaptors... and I know they use 2 micro sd cards. My question is... when you have both cards in the adaptor, does the adaptor and psp automatically look at the adaptor as one single memory card? Meaning does it also automatically organise which...
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    Advice Req!: Buying a Photofast CR-5400 + 2x8GB SDHC

    Hey fellow pspers! A long long time ago I had a 1002 phat that was well and truly hacked and homebrewed, but I hit a tough spot and had to ebay it for cash :( Time passed and my GF bought me a shiny new brite, yes yes I know about all the things that it isn't, etc ;P Anyhow, seeing as how...
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    PhotoFast CR-5400 SDHC -> ProDuo - Whats the max size of SDHC cardit can use?

    I have seen this ~ It lets you use SDHC cards with a PSP, which is a must for me :) It supports 2 SD cards at one but whats the max size it can support? Thanks, Cam.
  6. C

    Is this PhotoFast CR-5400 genuine?

    So I found a PhotoFast CR-5400 on eBay that costs 5 USD. Here is the link: How much should it cost? Is 5 USD too cheap for it to be genuine? Or no?
  7. C

    Help! Did I buy fake PhotoFast CR-5400?

    So I recently bought 2 PhotoFast Cr-5400. And I just want to make sure if they are authentic. Here are the photos of the adapters: As you can see, both adapters have the same serial...
  8. C

    PhotoFast CR-5100 quick questions

    Will this PhotoFast CR-5100 work on ISO games and everything for psp? Do you have to leave it in forever? will 2 16 gb MicroSD work on it? Only formatted for Sony memory cards? what else company can you use?
  9. C

    1 x 32gb microsd in photofast CR5400 adaptor problem

    I have got a 1003 psp and I am running cfw 5.00 m33-6,I have been using a legitimate 8gb Sandisk microsd card through a photofast CR5400 adaptor for a while now faultlessly.I have now bought a 32gb unbranded microsd card off e-bay from a seller with good feedback especially in regard to these...
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