Berry Master Wife Sayings
The Berry Master's wife returns from the original Ruby and Sapphire, trying to figure out the first word of a specific phrases. If the player inputs the correct word that fits the phrase, the Berry Master's wife will award the player with a rare berry. The phrases are...
The following are known Action Replay Codes for Astro Boy: Omega Factor on Nintendo Game Boy Advance (GBA).
These codes were also known as GameShark Codes and in most cases will work on both devices.
These codes are for the U.S. version of the game.
Master Code – Must Be On...
action replay
action replay codes
always low time
astro boy
full ex gauge
game boy advance
gameshark codes
infinite ex points
infinite health
master code
max score
omegaomega factor
replay codes
I have used this page EZ Flash/Cheats - Bibliotheca Anonoma in order to get single-line codes working for Altered Beast - Guardians of the Realms and for Doom as well, with success, by editing the .cht files in Notepad. However, I can't make sense out of the multi-line codes for Super Gunstar...
Alternate Controllers
Instead of using the preferred "Booster Grip" controller, a ColecoVision joystick may be used, using Left Fire or Right Fire to steer. Paddles may also be used, with the buttons used to steer and rotating the paddle clockwise to fire and move forward. | [Sent by Stryker82]
Bouncing strategy
Begin game play in single player mode and turn your ship so it points directly up or down. Move forward until the wall is hit to bounce your ship vertically between the top and bottom. Rotate your ship to face the right side of the screen and continuously fire for easier...
Control loading screen
Press the D-pad or Analog-stick at the loading screen that features the red squares to change their location.
Inner Level A
Successfully complete the game with 60 AP (with invincibility, all weapons at level 9).
Inner Level B
Successfully complete the game on the...
Completion Bonuses
Successfully complete the game to unlock options for stage select, sound test, and event test. Successfully complete the game two times and wait after the credits complete for a sequence that unlocks Sharaku Hosuke as a selectable character.
Unlock Sharaku Hosuke...