
  1. C

    Update from 3.40 OE-A?

    How do I upgrade from 3.40 OE-A to FW 6.35? I have a 1xxx psp...
  2. C

    3.40 OE-A firmware

    Hi! I just found my old psp that i haven't played for a few years. It has 3.40 OE-A firmware and i used to play games from iso. Now I tried to play football manager 2011 from ISO and just got a black screen. My question is: Do I have to upgrade my firmware to play new games (if yes which...
  3. C

    Upgrading from 3.10 OE-a?

    I hacked the firmware on my psp a long time ago, and since then its sat on the shelf. I am thinking of tinkering around with it again, but I am a little overwhelmed with all the choices now. 1- I couldnt find a thread with the differences between the current firmwares. Pros/cons of each and...
  4. C

    How to upgrade a Phat PSP currently running 3.40 OE-A?

    Hello Everyone. I've been trying to get the latest FW on on my PSP for some time. Like I say in the title, I have a phat PSP running 3.40 OE-A CFW. I've been told I need to get 6.39 Pro-B6 to let me run the newest Iso's, so I need to update to OFW 6.39 first and then to Pro-B6. However I...
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