
  1. C

    E3 2012 is 2 months away. What do you want to see revealed?

    Half-Life 3? GTA V? Haze 2?. This year's E3 expo, set to take place in Los Angeles between June 5 and 7, is less than two months away. Click here to read the full article More...
  2. S

    Modern Warfare 2 to sell 11.1 million in two months - Analyst

    <p>Janco Partners' Mike Hickey expects Infinity Ward's upcoming shooter to be the best-selling game of 2009. </p><p><img src=""></p><p> In March, Activision revealed that Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare had sold 12 million...
  3. F

    Modern Warfare 2 to sell 11.1 million in two months - Analyst

    <p>Janco Partners' Mike Hickey expects Infinity Ward's upcoming shooter to be the best-selling game of 2009. </p><p><img src=""></p><p> In March, Activision revealed that Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare had sold 12 million...
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