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    Streaming on Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon in May

    It’s almost summer which means that blockbuster season is in full swing, and it’s the perfect time to catch up on all the stuff you’ve been missing during your 22 movie MCU marathon. Luckily there’s a whole bunch of exciting, strange, massive, unique, and brilliant programming coming to Amazon...
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    Hulu will soon offer offline viewing and episode downloads

    Enlarge / The Handmaid's Tale, a Hulu original series. (credit: Hulu) Hulu will soon join Amazon Prime and Netflix in allowing you to download TV episodes to your mobile devices and watch them while offline. The new feature is a boon for frequent air travelers, public transit riders, and...
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    PSO2 The Animation . .Watch it on Crunchyroll! or Hulu!

    Crunchyroll already has Season 1 posted up there. I've watched it and I did't think it was half bad. What did you guys think? Season 1: Crunchyroll - Phantasy Star Online 2 The Animation Full episodes streaming online for free
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