
  1. W

    Castlevania Harmony of Despair - NPEB00563 v1.00

    Castlevania Harmony of Despair - NPEB00563 v1.00 [Base Code by Tekman] PORTED by JgDuff : -Infinite Health/Magic : OGP : 81 3F 00 48 2C 89 00 00 41 86 00 30 80 DF 00 4C 91 7F 00 48 7C A9 32 14 90 BF 00 4C 1D 65 00 B4 7D 60 07 B4 F8 01 00 90 C8 C1 00 90 FC A0 36 9C FC 80 28 18 D0 9F 00 50 COP...
  2. F

    Game of Harmony GameShark Codes

    1. 01031BCC Infinite Lives
  3. F

    Lunar: Silver Star Harmony USA [ULUS-10482] CWCheats

    Lunar: Silver Star Harmony [US] CWCheats _S ULUS-10482 _G Lunar Harmony Silver Star _C0 Inf Money _L 0x204706BC 0x3B9AC9FF
  4. F

    Lunar Harmony of the Silver Star [NPUH-90053] DEMO CWCheats

    _S NPUH-90053 _G Lunar Harmony Silver Star [DEMO] _C0 Inf Money _L 0x204706BC 0x3B9AC9FF _C0 Player 1 INF HP & MP _L 0x104E8750 0x000003E7 _L 0x104E8754 0x000003E7
  5. C

    Lunar Silver Star Harmony Help please.

    Got a PSP 1000 with 5.00 M33-6 with the M33-630 plugin enabled. I tried running the game and right after the Now loading screen i get a brown screen, which i assume is the background in this section, with nothing else. I press X and O once or twice and i hear a noise play and the screen goes...
  6. F

    Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance Cheat Codes (for Gameboy Advance)

    Boss Rush mode Successfully complete the game to unlock the Boss Rush option. There are three levels (easy, normal, and hard) that must be unlocked by playing each in succession, starting with easy. Classic Simon Unlock Boss Rush mode, then press Up(2), Down(2), Left, Right, Left, Right...
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