
  1. C

    Re-casing all my Dreamcast games to DVD cases

    Hello there my fellow Dreamheads, I have a lot of original Dreamcast game cases some in good condition and some with cracks, general wear and tear for a moderately ageing system, so I've decided to reprint and case my games maybe even my PS1 games as well if there is a few DVD cases left. I...
  2. C

    Dreamcast DVD

    In my article over at DreamcastGaga I looked at the Dreamcast DVD and whether Sega ever really was going to release it and whether it would have actually been any help in stopping the rot. In my opinion it wasn't the lack of DVD playback that really hurt the machine, it was just another factor...
  3. F

    DVD to DPG - Tutorial (Watch movies on Nintendo DS)

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yOJUDybz9rY Ever wanted to watch a DVD on your Nintendo DS? Well with the help of this video your not just limited to watching a dvd on the psp handheld any longer. Apparently someone has made a software to convert the dvd file to what I'm guessing is called a...
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