
  1. F

    Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (U) game genie and Pro Action Replay Codes (for Sega Game Gear)

    Pro Action Replay Codes: Infinite Time - 00CBBF:0A Infinite Time (Ten's Digit) - 00CBBE:09 -Rune Infinite Health - 00C9C2:51 -Rune Infinite Lives - 00C988:09 -Rune Infinite Whips - 00C974:09 -Rune Invulnerability - 00CA14:FF Game Genie Codes: Invulnerability - 00A-05B-7F4 Start with 5 lives -...
  2. F

    Indiana Jones And The Last Crusade Cheat Codes (for Sega Genesis)

    Level Select When the LucasFilm logo appears, press A, B, C, B, C, A, C, A, B.
  3. F

    Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade Cheat Codes (for NES)

    Passwords 37H4GR46 Level 2 4FQ49RSR Level 3 FFSDDRDO Level 4 6DZN9R29 Level 5 HX39GRBQ Level 6
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