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    History Channel: Civil War Secret Missions

    AchievementsComplete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points. Achievement How to unlock Attention to Detail ( 5 points ) Complete one bonus objective. Bullseye ( 30 points ) Complete a mission with over 95% accuracy. Cannons Away ( 20 points ) Kill 25...
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    History Channel: Civil War - A Nation Divided

    Easy 95% accuracy achievementsTo unlock the achievements that require you to have an accuracy of 95% or above, set the difficulty to easy. When the mission starts, fire one shot at an enemy and make sure it is a hit. Then take out your dagger or sword and kill the remaining enemies with that...
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    History Channel: Civil War

    Achievements Accomplish the indicated achievement to get the corresponding number of Gamerscore points: Private (5 points): Kill 20 of your enemies. Sergeant (15 points): Kill 50 of your enemies. Lieutenant (50 points): Kill 100 of your enemies. Captain (75 points): Kill 250 of...
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