
  1. C

    Samba de Amigo maracas won't work

    I have a problem with the Samba de Amigo maracas. No matter what I try, the Dreamcast just doesn't detect them. The buttons work in the menus, but the motion detection never works in-game. I've looked in the manual and on Google for a solution, but I haven't found anything. I have my Dreamcast...
  2. C

    Samba be Amigo Maracas...

    Alright I'm going to buy this game, because it looks like crack. But I have question do they work on HDTV's or do they have the same problem as the light guns that don't work on hdtv's?
  3. C

    Samba De Amigo with controller?

    Has anyone played Samba De Amigo with the controller? I'm curious to know how it is.
  4. F

    Samba de Amigo Cheat Codes (for Sega Dreamcast)

    Open Random Mode At the Difficulty Selection screen shake the Left Maraca in the Low position fifteen times. If you are using the standard Dreamcast controller, hold the Left Maraca Low (down-left) button instead. Open Super hard mode At the Difficulty Selection screen shake the Left...
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