"an amusing photo," and he joked that he had much "more luxuriant and darker hair" at the time of the photo than when it appeared in magazines like the March 1999 Scientific American (which, unfortunately, incorrectly swapped IDs for the two). ">Enlarge / Ken Thompson (sitting) and Dennis...
Sega Genesis Console in Box & Games + wireless controls | eBay
Please someone buy that. Honestly, he should have that open to bids. The game selection isn't so good, but the.controllers would resell for 40 on their own.
He also has a 60$ boxed dreamcast.
[h=3]Cheat Codes[/HEADING] Cheat codes for 50 Cent: Blood on the Sand are unlocked via normal gameplay.
Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding cheat option at the Unlockables menu within the game:
Infinite Ammo: Get 52 medals/badges in Story mode.