
  1. F

    [S2QE54] NBA 2K12 Codes

    CCP button activator [sLoddir] 2825117A 0000XXXX - CODE HERE - E0000000 80008000 *Replace XXXX with button in hex *http://gamehacking.org/faqs/Jokerwii.htm Wiimote button activator [sLoddir] 28250FD2 0000XXXX - CODE HERE - E0000000 80008000 *Replace XXXX with button in hex...
  2. F

    NBA 2K12 [USA] [ULUS-10585] CWCheats

    NBA 2K12 [USA] CWCheats _S ULUS-10585 _G NBA 2K12 USA _C0 MAX MY PLAYER POINTS _L 0x10B51E44 0x00007CCA
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