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Thread Title: Battlefield 4

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    Default Battlefield 4

    China Rising: Achievements

    Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points.

    Achievement How to unlock
    2 Wheels (20 points) Get a kill with the Dirtbike.
    Death From Above (20 points) Get a kill with the bomber.
    Fledgling (20 points) Play a round of Air Superiority.
    Mini Kamikaze (30 points) Kill an enemy with the SUAV.
    New Superpower (30 points) Complete all China Rising Assignments.

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    Default Battlefield 4

    Multi-player weapons

    Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding weapon.

    Weapon How to unlock
    M249 Complete the "Final Duty" assignment during the final Campaign mission.
    M412 REX Complete the "Tombstone Actual" Campaign mission.
    Machete Complete the "A Trapped Wolf Will" Campaign mission.
    P90 Complete the "Peace Maker" assignment during the final Campaign mission.
    QBZ-95-1 Complete the "To Valhalla" assignment during the final Campaign mission.
    Shank Complete the "Fang Of The Underworld" Campaign mission.

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  4. #3
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    Default Battlefield 4

    Phantom Prospect assignment

    Note: You must be a Premium member. Go to the Leaderboards - Battlelog
    / Battlefield 4
    and scroll down, click the faded skull icon. Enter bumpinthenight as a password.

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  5. #4
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    Default Battlefield 4

    Second Assault: Achievements

    Achievement How to unlock
    Blind Bomber (30 points) In a round get 5 kills with air vehicles in Gulf of Oman.
    Dirty Job (20 points) Find the hidden tunnel in Caspian Border.
    Falling Down (20 points) Kill an enemy with a ceiling collapse in Operation Metro.
    Risky Business (30 points) Kill an enemy flag carrier while carrying their flag in CTF.
    Torched (20 points) Ignite a brush fire using the repair tool in Operation Metro or Caspian Border.

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  6. #5
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    Default Battlefield 4

    Various Achievements

    Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points.

    Achievement How to unlock
    .45 old school (25 points) Perform 45 kills with the M1911 Handgun in Multiplayer.
    A one-man riot (25 points) Obtain 11 000 points in the Shanghai mission in the Campaign.
    Above and beyond the call (25 points) Complete all Assignments in the Campaign.
    Antediluvian (20 points) Complete the Tashgar mission in the Campaign.
    Blood wake (20 points) Get 30 headshots in the South China Sea mission in the Campaign.
    Bomb squad (25 points) Deliver 5 bombs in Obliteration.
    Braving the storm (20 points) Complete the Singapore mission in the Campaign.
    Call me "Sir" (50 points) Reach rank 25.
    Dead by dawn (20 points) Complete the Kunlun Mountains mission in the Campaign.
    Demolition man (25 points) Obtain 15 000 points in the Tashgar mission in the Campaign.
    Done some searching (20 points) Find 12 collectibles in the Campaign.
    Dunn's pride (25 points) Obtain 7 000 points in the Baku mission in the Campaign.
    Every nook and cranny (20 points) Find 21 collectibles in the Campaign.
    Fish (20 points) Complete the Campaign on Easy.
    Fishing in Baku (20 points) Complete the Baku mission in the Campaign.
    For the cause (20 points) Sacrifice Hannah to save the Valkyrie in the Campaign.
    For the people (20 points) Sacrifice Irish to save the Valkyrie in the Campaign.
    For tombstone (20 points) Let the Valkyrie be destroyed in the Campaign.
    Full arsenal (65 points) Unlock all assignments and collectibles in the Campaign.
    Gladiator (25 points) Obtain 12 000 points in the Kunlun Mountains mission in the Campaign.
    Guardian of the fleet (25 points) Obtain 6 000 points in the Suez mission in the Campaign.
    Guns at dawn (20 points) Complete the Suez mission in the Campaign.
    Infiltrator (20 points) Get 10 adrenaline kills in the Tashgar mission in the Campaign.
    It was on the way... (20 points) Find 6 collectibles in the Campaign.
    Methodical search (20 points) Find 15 collectibles in the Campaign.
    No stone left unturned (20 points) Find 18 collectibles in the Campaign.
    Patience is a virtue (20 points) Experience all 3 endings in the Campaign.
    Recon (65 points) Find 28 collectibles in the Campaign.
    Shawshank (20 points) Get 5 kills with Shank in the Kunlun Mountains mission in the Campaign.
    Storm bringer (25 points) Obtain 20 000 points in the Singapore mission in the Campaign.
    Stumbled over it (20 points) Find 3 collectibles in the Campaign.
    Terror of the deep (25 points) Obtain 11 000 points in the South China Sea mission in the Campaign.
    The fall of a Titan (20 points) Complete the South China Sea mission in the Campaign.
    Tombstone (25 points) Complete the Campaign on Hard.
    Took a casual look around (20 points) Find 9 collectibles in the Campaign.
    Turn around... (10 points) Perform 5 dog tag kills in Multiplayer.
    War turtle (20 points) Get 15 kills with RPG in the Singapore mission in the Campaign.
    Well placed (20 points) Get 10 kills with C4 in the Baku mission in the Campaign.
    Wolf (25 points) Complete the Campaign on Normal.
    Wolves in sheep's clothing (20 points) Complete the Shanghai mission in the Campaign.
    Won them all (10 points) Win a round of each game mode.
    Wrecker (20 points) Get 10 multi-kills in the Shanghai mission in the Campaign.

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