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Thread Title: Bionicle Heroes

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    Default Bionicle Heroes

    • Defeating Guhhrahk

    The best Toa for defeating Gurrahk (level 1) are Matoro for beating Guhhrahk Hajli and Jaller for killing summoned enemies.
    • Defeating Vezon

    After you defeat all Piraka, you will have to fight Vezon for the last time. First hit him the back, then in the legs, then the heads, then Vezon. After that you can play as Vezon in all levels.
    • Easy Lego Pieces

    Completely upgrade Toa Nuparu at the Matoran Enclave shop. Collect 500,000 Lego pieces and buy 'Bonus Level 1'. Go to the Piraka Playground. Go to the other side of the playground. Once there you should find a cave/pathway between the Piraka VIP lounge and the Piraka diving board. Go inside the cave and there are three portals. Go through the first portal on your left. Once you are in, switch to Toa Nuparu and start destroying multiple enemies while collecting Lego pieces. Do this quickly, as you have a 112 second time limit. You can get an average of 50,000 to 70,000 pieces every time you try the bonus level.

    Collect all the Lego bits in the Matoron Enclave then go to the Priaka Playground. Go back out. Keep doing this for a lot of Lego bits.
    • Hidden Cutscene

    Finish game with 100% completed.
    • Play as Guhhrahk

    Defeat Guhhrahk.
    • Play as Takua Nuva

    Successfully complete the game with all six Inika.

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    Default Re: Bionicle Heroes

    • Play as Vezon

    Successfully complete the game.

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    Find free Unofficial Cheats, Tips, Codes, Passwords, Hints, Secrets, Game Shark, and Game Genie codes And much more including Cheat Engine Tables here at Video Game Cheats.

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