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Thread Title: Wonderboy 3: The Dragons Trap

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    Default Wonderboy 3: The Dragons Trap

    • Ending sequence

    Enter MJWH WC5TY3B XJR as a password.

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    Default Re: Wonderboy 3: The Dragons Trap

    • Fight bosses again and again

    Believe it or not you can fight all the bosses again before you fight the end boss. You have to have EVERYTHING to do so. That means all the armor, weapons and stones. Just do the boss levels again and you will be able to fight lizard mans boss with bird man! and the cool thing is you turn into mouse man again and the same goes for all the other levels. To fight the end boss with a different character kill a boss eg. kill mouse mans boss with bird man so that you have piranha man. Next go to the desert door but dont go in in it. Next to the tower there is a secret door on the first or second ledge. Press up and you will transported straight to outside the bosses door! Then you can kill the end boss with a different character! Beware its quite impossible with lizard man but ok with all the others.

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    Default Re: Wonderboy 3: The Dragons Trap

    • Legendary Equipment

    If your looking for the legendary equipment, they are all in the first castle of the game where you fought the first dragon and turned into lizard man. You must be hawk man to get these, fly above the village and to the right, keep heading right until you see an arrow pointing right. That's where the castle is.

    The armor and sword are easy to find, but the shield isnt. Go through the castle normally, and remember to go to the boss room, theres no boss there, but there's a treasure chest with 4000 gold. Continue to the right, heading out of the castle. Once outside, jump back in the well. You won't go back in the castle, push Up, and you will appear in a store where you can buy the Legendary Shield for 5000 gold.

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    Default Re: Wonderboy 3: The Dragons Trap

    • Secret elixirs for lizard man and lion man

    When you are lizard man and you are just about to drop down the pit near the end of the labyrinth. Dont jump down jump staright across and you will land in a secret room where there is a chest thatl give you money and elixers.

    When you are lion man and you are at the bosses doorgo straight past there is a secret door in the black space, press up and you will go to a secret room where you get health , money and so forth.

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    Default Re: Wonderboy 3: The Dragons Trap

    • Super password

    Enter WE5T ONE 0000 000 as a password to start in the village with all items, ninety-nine stones, and almost one million gold pieces. Enter 3YGU PYZ ZY7K NRR as a password to start will all armor, shield, and weapon items as the Hu-Man. Note: If you change to Lizard-Man form in the town you will not be able to transform back to Hu-Man.

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  7. #6
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    Default Re: Wonderboy 3: The Dragons Trap

    • Ultimate Password

    Enter the password "WE5T ONE 0000 000" to start in the village with every item, 99 stones, and almost 1,000,000 gold.

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