First things first, this game sucks. It's very buggy, looks worse than a bunch of the games that were on the PS2, and I didn't check, but I'd assume it's made by the same people that made Neopet's The Darkest Faerie. If you don't own this game, do yourself a favor and don't ever buy it. Read a review and learn what you aren't missing out on, Venetica Critic Reviews for PlayStation 3 - GameFAQs
It's an unpolished turd with broken stuff all over the place, along with random game freezes, certain skills don't work, the map doesn't mark the right places, is very confusing, all kinds of things can be walked right through as if they weren't there, and it really does just suck. I've almost completed it, but it's been about 2 weeks of nonstop cussing, I'm lost on what to do which is nonstop in this game, and have finally said f@ck it. Don't buy it ever, you aren't missing out on a single thing.
Gaining Any XP, Going Through Doors, & Absorbing Health, Mental Energy, Or Twilight Energy Instantly Levels You Up
0008FAA0 48000018
SET OGP=FC01F800 41800018
SET COP=FC01F800 48000018
4 bytes at offset $0054
Level Up For Insanely High Constitution
0008FB08 3CE01000
0008FB0C 60E70000
SET OGP=807F002C 40800008 61070000
SET COP=807F002C 3CE01000 60E70000
4 bytes at offset $0020
Level Up For Insanely High Wisdom
0008FB24 3CC03000
0008FB28 60C60000
SET OGP=28070050 40800008 60E60000
SET COP=28070050 3CC03000 60C60000
4 bytes at offset $0024
Level Up For Insanely High Strength
0008FB3C 3CC07FFF
0008FB40 60C6FFFF
SET OGP=60860000 40800008 60A60000
SET COP=60860000 3CC07FFF 60C6FFFF
4 bytes at offset $0028
Any hit you do instantly kills enemies.
Level Up For Insanely High Mental Power
0008FB58 3C607FFF
0008FB5C 6063FFFF
SET OGP=28060050 40800008 60C30000
SET COP=28060050 3C607FFF 6063FFFF
4 bytes at offset $002C
Any mental attack that harms an enemy instantly kills it.
Level Up To Set Many Things
0008FB04 3C601000 (Constitution value)
0008FB08 60630000 (Constitution value)
0008FB0C 907F0020 (Store Constitution value to Constitution offset)
0008FB10 3C603000 (Wisdom value)
0008FB14 60630000 (Wisdom value)
0008FB18 907F0024 (Store Wisdom value to Wisdom offset)
0008FB1C 3C607FFF (Strength value)
0008FB20 6063FFFF (Strength value)
0008FB24 907F0028 (Store Strength value to Strength offset)
0008FB28 3C607FFF (Mental Power value)
0008FB2C 6063FFFF (Mental Power value)
0008FB30 907F002C (Store Mental Power value to Mental Power offset)
0008FB34 3860EA60 (60,000 Skill Point value)
0008FB38 907F0030 (Store 60,000 Skill Point value to Skill Point offset)
0008FB3C 3860EA60 (60,000 Ability Point value)
0008FB40 907F0038 (Store 60,000 Ability Point value to Ability Point offset)
0008FB44 3860EA60 (60,000 Reputation value)
0008FB48 907F003C (Store 60,000 Reputation value to Reputation offset)
0008FB4C 3C600000 (0 for whatever this thing is)
0008FB50 907F0058 (Store 0 to offset 0058, which somehow makes enemies ignore you)
0008FB54 386003E8 (1,000 Twilight Energy Capacity value)
0008FB58 907F0050 (Store 1,000 Twilight Energy Capacity value to Twilight Energy Capacity offset)
0008FB5C 3C60447A (Float for 1,000 for current amount of Twilight Energy)
0008FB60 907F0048 (Store float for 1,000 of current amount of Twilight Energy to current amount of Twilight Energy offset)
SET OGP=807F002C 40800008 61070000 60C80000 90FF0020 60860000 30E80001 28070050 40800008 60E60000 30A50001 90DF0024 28050050 60860000 40800008 60A60000 60650000 90DF0028 60830000 30C50001 28060050 40800008 60C30000 907F002C
SET COP=3C601000 60630000 907F0020 3C603000 60630000 907F0024 3C607FFF 6063FFFF 907F0028 3C607FFF 6063FFFF 907F002C 3860EA60 907F0030 3860EA60 907F0038 3860EA60 907F003C 3C600000 907F0058 386003E8 907F0050 3C60447A 907F0048
You can mix this with the code to level up whenever you do some things, but don't mix it with the other 4 that are specifically for the 4 stats, this overwrites a code in a part of their areas. If you don't want certain things in this code to happen, just replace the line that stores to the offset with "60000000" to not do it. For example, I don't know if the thing to make enemies ignore you affects bosses, but it would probably be bad if it did, so just put "60000000" at address "0008FB50" and then that part of the code won't happen when you level up.
$0000 = Game instantly freezes.
$0004 = Game instantly freezes.
$0008 = ?
$000C = ?
$0010 = ?
$0014 = Game instantly freezes.
$0018 = Game instantly freezes.
$001C = ?
$0030 = Skill Points
$0034 = ?
$0038 = Ability Points
$003C = Reputation
$0040 = ?
$0044 = ?
$0048 = Current Twilight Energy (float)
$004C = Level
$0050 = Max Twilight Energy Capacity
$0058 = Don't know, but set to 0 and enemies will ignore you.
$0090 = Game instantly freezes.
You could probably find more from these offsets. You could check to see what loads the offset for constitution and find your actual health offset, then find what stores to that offset to find the code for items that increase health, and from that find the offset for money. You could possibly find what stores to the twilight meter capacity to possibly find the offsets that determine whether you have certain skills too. I've lost patience, the game sucks.
Last edited by bungholio; 04-10-2013 at 10:32 AM