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Thread Title: Disgaea 3

  1. #1
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    Default Disgaea 3

    INF HP Enemys to (Hacked By CodeFreak) (NTSC)
    Orignal Game Pattern
    Code Pattern
    Max Mana AFTER battle (Hacked By CodeFreak) (NTSC)
    Orignal Game Pattern
    Code Pattern
    Max Mana AFTER battle (Hacked By CodeFreak) (NTSC) (update 2.30)
    Orignal Game Pattern
    Code pattern
    INF SP (Hacked By CodeFreak) (NTSC)
    Orignal Game Pattern
    Code Pattern
    Something 99999 (Hacked By CodeFreak) (NTSC)
    Need to re do this one no use
    Orignal Game Pattern
    Code Pattern

    INF HP Enemys to (Hacked By CodeFreak) (JPN)
    Orignal Game Pattern
    Code Pattern
    Max Mana AFTER battle (Hacked By CodeFreak) (JPN)
    Orignal Game Pattern
    Code Pattern
    INF SP (Hacked By CodeFreak) (JPN)
    Orignal Game Pattern
    Code Pattern
    Something 99999 (Hacked By CodeFreak) (JPN)
    Orignal Game Pattern
    Code Pattern

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  3. #2
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    Default Disgaea 3

    More innocent type modifier digits:
    00C9 = Kinder Gardender
    00CA = Berry Picker
    00CB = Secret Trainer
    00CC = Hop Step Cheer
    00CD = High Spiriter
    00CE = Glutton
    00CF = Punisher
    00D0 = Sweet Tempter
    00D1 = Mana Robber
    00D2 = Cat Burglar
    00D3 = All Digger
    00D4 = Trash Talker
    00D5 = Rubber
    00D6 = Sensationalist
    00D7 = Wuss
    00D8 = Town Crier
    00D9 = Sun Bather
    00DA = Joke Slapper
    00DB = Motivator
    00DC = Medium Rare
    00DD = Heat Seeker
    00DE = Smeller
    00DF = Fluffifier
    00E0 = Mode Changer
    00E1 = Reaper

    However, these innocents appear to not work. (only few codes tested)
    These special effects seem to be item specific, rather than an innocent effect.

    Eg. An unhacked lollipop, which has the Sweet Tempter innocent, will recover 50% HP per turn, when equipped.
    However, a hacked armour or weapon with this innocent, will not give out that effect.

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  4. #3
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    Default Disgaea 3

    EXP Multiplier For Kills
    000C5D9C 1F39????
    000C5DA0 7C190214
    000C5DA4 F80B0000
    ORIGINAL PATTERN: 7C190214F80B0000816F0074
    PATTERN: 1F39????7C190214F80B0000

    May I ask what the EXP mod digits are for 256, 512, and 1028 times EXP?

    Also, which line in the rarity mod is the pattern to change?

    Item Rarity Modifier
    00064EAC 409D0018 = 386000??
    00064EB0 38600008 = 60000000
    00064EB4 48045581 = 60000000 <---- Special note for this line.
    NOTE: Removing that line changes the code to make the value set into a limit. For example:
    00064EAC 60000000
    00064EB0 38600003
    Every item's rarity will be either 0, 1, or 2. Their rarity will never be 3 or higher.

    Sorry about the missing pattern. As for values:
    256 = 0100
    512 = 0200
    1024 = 0400

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  5. #4
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    Default Disgaea 3

    *** THESE Are Only for the 2.30 updated eboot. *** All codes are made by "bungholio"

    New Items' Innocents' Level Modifier
    270F = Normal 9999
    4E1F = Yellow, Transferrable, and 19998
    752F = Green, Transferrable, and 19998
    The special pattern is there because I'm too lazy at the moment to find the remaining
    innocents' digits. With the special pattern, innocents' values will be their digits.
    That's why all Dieticians will be 1, all Masters will be 2, all Gladiators 3, and so on...
    Make sure to be careful as this will affect every item enemies have too.

    All Skills At Level 99
    I honestly don't know what is useful about leveling up skills in this game.
    I know it was useful in the previous 2 games, but leveling the skills doesn't seem to
    affect them in this game. Instead, boosting them is the useful thing in this one.

    Can Control Anything

    Item Rarity Modifier

    Sell An item For The Maximum Amount Of HL (9,999,999,999,999 HL)

    Kill Anything To Max Out EXP, Level Up To 9999

    All Homeroom Representatives Love You FIXED & WORKING

    HP Modifier For Item World Enemies
    I always set health to 0001 so everything is easy to kill.

    SP Modifier For Item World Enemies
    ORIGINAL PATTERN: E80909D8F80909C82FBB0000
    PATTERN: 3800????F80909C82FBB0000
    I always set health to 0000 so enemies can't use special attacks.

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  6. #5
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    Default Disgaea 3

    Enemy Level Modifier
    0006EF74 60000000
    0006EF78 3860????
    Same pattern

    HP Modifier For Mystery Gate Enemies
    00054568 3800????
    Same pattern

    HP Modifier For Item World Geoblocks, Treasure Chests, and Innocents
    0006E194 3800????
    same pattern
    A pointless side effect of using this code is that it makes enemies' life bars look like they have as much health as you set, but it doesn't set their actual health.

    HP Modifier For Class World Player Clone Enemies
    0007A258 3800????
    ORIGINAL PATTERN: B0090AB6813D0074E80909D0
    PATTERN: B0090AB6813D00743800????
    Are they all called Dropouts?

    HP Modifier For Item World Enemies
    000EBF8C 3800????
    ORIGINAL PATTERN: 419E02B888090AD7981F01A788090AD8981F01AAE80909D0
    PATTERN: 419E02B888090AD7981F01A788090AD8981F01AA3800????

    HP Modifier For Story Mode Enemy Base Panel Enemies
    000FDA1C 3800????
    ORIGINAL PATTERN: 4BF6BCE160000000813E0074E80909D0
    PATTERN: 4BF6BCE160000000813E00743800????
    It's for Ch.5 Grand War - Organized Corridor, and probably others since I haven't been everywhere yet.

    HP Modifier For Story Mode Enemies
    0011BB24 3800????
    ORIGINAL PATTERN: 60000000813C0074E80909D0
    PATTERN: 60000000813C00743800????

    HP Modifier For Homeroom Representatives
    001974A0 3800????
    same pattern

    SP Modifier For Mystery Gate Enemies
    0005445C 3800????
    same pattern

    SP Modifier For Item World Geoblocks, Treasure Chests, and Innocents
    0006E19C 3800????
    ORIGINAL PATTERN: E81F09D8F81F09C8A09F0AB07FA3EB787C8407344801FF19
    PATTERN: 3800????F81F09C8A09F0AB07FA3EB787C8407344801FF19

    SP Modifier For Class World Player Clone Enemies
    0007A264 3800????
    PATTERN: 3800????F80909C888DE0ADA

    SP Modifier For Item World Enemies
    000EBF98 3800????
    same pattern

    SP Modifier For Story Mode Enemy Base Panel Enemies
    000FDA28 3800????
    same pattern

    SP Modifier For Story Mode Enemies
    0011BB30 3800????
    ORIGINAL PATTERN: E80909D8F80909C838140001
    PATTERN: 3800????F80909C838140001

    SP Modifier For Homeroom Representatives
    001974AC 3800????
    same pattern

    All Homeroom Representatives Love You
    00197544 38007FFF
    001975CC 38007FFF
    same patterns

    0006A1F4 38E0????
    same pattern

    Elemental Resistances
    0006C2B8 3800????
    same pattern

    Current Level Modifier
    000697C0 3920????
    same pattern

    Move Range Modifier
    0006C324 60000000
    0006C328 380000??
    same pattern

    Jump Height Modifier
    0006A5FC 6000000
    0006A600 3B4000??
    same pattern

    Counter Attack Amount
    0006C2FC 60000000
    0006C300 380000??
    same pattern

    Lift/Throw Amount
    0006C310 60000000
    0006C314 380000??
    same pattern

    Attack Range Modifier
    0006C338 60000000
    0006C33C 380000??
    same pattern

    Critical Rate Modifier
    0006A630 392900??
    same pattern

    Item Rarity Modifier
    0006420C 386000??
    00064210 60000000
    00064214 60000000

    Item MV Value Modifier
    00064160 380000??
    same pattern

    Item JMP Value Modifier
    00064168 380000??
    same pattern

    Item Attack Range Modifier
    00064140 380000??
    same pattern

    Item Critical Hit Rate Modifier
    00064148 380000FF
    same pattern

    New Items' Innocents' Level Modifier
    000645CC 60000000
    000645D0 3800????
    same pattern
    270F = Normal 9999
    4E1F = Yellow, Transferrable, and 19998
    752F = Green, Transferrable, and 19998
    The special pattern is there because I'm too lazy at the moment to find the remaining innocents' digits. With the special pattern, innocents' values will be their digits. That's why all Dieticians will be 1, all Masters will be 2, all Gladiators 3, and so on...
    Make sure to be careful as this will affect every item enemies have too.

    New Items' Populations Are Full
    000645E0 2F9A0008
    same pattern
    Normal items will always have 4 innocents in them, rare items will always have 5 innocents in them, and legendary items will always have 6 innocents in them.

    Innocent Type Modifier
    000643A8 3BA0????
    same pattern

    Can Control Anything
    00140918 60000000
    00140928 60000000
    same pattern
    You can control enemies, geopanels, treasure chests, desks, whatever. If it's something that can be attacked, you can control it. I noticed geopanels can attack things, but treasure chests and desks can't. You can at least move anything you can select if something is in your way. You can also unequip all enemies' weapons and add them to your inventory. To be specific, the one byte at offset 042F determines whether a unit is yours or not.

    Infinite Actions
    0014096C 90830430
    00140970 4BF48D79
    ORIGINAL PATTERN: 4BF48D7D 60000000
    PATTERN: 90830430 4BF48D79

    Item Population Capacity Modifier
    00064324 380000??
    same pattern

    Sell an item for the maximum amount of HL (9,999,999,999,999 HL)
    00077AF4 60000000
    same pattern

    Infinite HP For You, Enemies Die From 1 Hit
    000C0F80 8817042F
    000C0F84 2F800000
    000C0F88 419E000C
    000C0F8C 38000000
    000C0F90 48000008
    000C0F94 E80B09D0
    same pattern
    It doesn't matter if you miss or anything, the enemy will still die. Any damage your unit receives refills its health to its current maximum capacity. There's only a few exceptions because of geo panels. This has no effect on enemies standing on "Invincibility" or "Mighty Enemy" panels. You will still die if you are standing on a "Bye bye Panel", but "Deathblow" panels won't effect you.

    Use Only 1 Unit To Kill Anything To Max Out EXP
    000C3FB0 60000000
    ORIGINAL PATTERN: 409D0008 F92B0000 8122A070
    PATTERN: 60000000 F92B0000 8122A070
    Group attacks don't max out the EXP of any of the units.

    EXP Multiplier For Kills From Only 1 Unit
    000C3F94 1F39????
    000C3F98 7C190214
    000C3F9C F80B0000
    same pattern

    Newly Created Or Reincarnated Characters Start With Max Mana
    0006DA10 3C000099
    same pattern
    They will start with 100270008 mana, even though the max is 9,999,999. That's just because the game doesn't have the limit in place since normally all newly created characters start with 0 mana. Once you do anything that normally increases that character's mana, the game will do the limit and reduce it back down to the normal maximum limit of 9,999,999.

    Boost A Non Character Specific Skill For Max Mana
    0017C9D0 3C000098
    0017C9D4 6000967F
    ORIGINAL PATTERN: 801C0A70 7C1F0050 901C0A70 7F83E378 7FA4EB78 4BFF71B1
    PATTERN: 3C000098 6000967F 901C0A70 7F83E378 7FA4EB78 4BFF71B1

    Boost A Character Specific Skill For Max Mana
    0017CA50 3C000098
    0017CA54 6000967F
    ORIGINAL PATTERN: 801C0A70 7C1F0050 901C0A70 7F83E378 7FA4EB78 4BFF71E9
    PATTERN: 3C000098 6000967F 901C0A70 7F83E378 7FA4EB78 4BFF71E9

    Buy A Skill Or Evility For Max Mana
    0017CE8C 3C000098
    0017CE90 6000967F
    same pattern

    Buy Something From The Skill World For Max Mana
    0018097C 3C000098
    00180980 6000967F
    same pattern

    Homeroom Stuff Maxes Out Mana
    0019C804 3C000098
    0019C808 6000967F
    ORIGINAL PATTERN: 80070A70 7C030050 90070A70 8122C3C0
    PATTERN: 3C000098 6000967F 90070A70 8122C3C0
    More expensive items, stronger enemies, get belts, whatever it is, as long as you don't create a new character or reincarnate, it will give you max mana.

    Enter The Reincarnate Or Create A New Character Menus For Max Mana
    (kind of guessing on this one)
    001A28B0 3C000098
    001A28B4 6000967F
    ORIGINAL PATTERN: 80090A70 7C1B0050
    PATTERN: 3C000098 6000967F

    Skill Boost Level Modifier
    00067E14 60000000
    00067E18 3800000?
    same pattern
    It's normal maximum is 9. If you go higher, things that can increase their amount of affected areas won't be usable. For example, the Hurricane Slash will still work, but stuff like healing that can modify how many spaces they affect will not be usable. Things won't appear boosted until you go into battle.

    Max Mana After Multiple Units Kill Anything Together
    000C2BC4 60000000
    same pattern
    Any group attacks will max out the mana of everyone who was in the group attacking.

    Max Mana After Tower Attacks
    000C1DD0 60000000
    same pattern
    Any unit that is a part of the tower attack will get maxed out mana.

    Max EXP After Using A Healing Or Support Special
    000C4FEC 60000000
    same pattern

    EXP Multiplier After Using A Healing Or Support Special
    000C4F50 1C63????
    000C4F54 48000078
    same pattern

    Max EXP From Group & Tower Attacks
    000C3944 60000000
    same pattern

    EXP Multiplier For Group & Tower Attacks
    000C3690 1E31????
    000C3694 48000218

    Rank A & B Created Or Reincarnated Characters Do Not Need Approval To Be Created
    001A2B00 60000000
    ORIGINAL PATTERN: 409E0020 8122C050
    PATTERN: 60000000 8122C050

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  7. #6
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    Default Disgaea 3

    More codes for Disgaea 3 BLUS30181 ver 01.00 app ver 01.00.

    Temporary Stat Boosts Last Forever
    0 0014C254 39290000
    0 0014C2A4 39290000
    0 0014C2F0 39290000
    0 0014C34C 39290000
    SET OGP=7C0903A6892A00007D2907743929FFFF
    SET COP=7C0903A6892A00007D29077439290000
    SET OGP=7D2903A6892A00007D2907743929FFFF
    SET COP=7D2903A6892A00007D29077439290000
    SET OGP=38E00003892A00007D2907743929FFFF
    SET COP=38E00003892A00007D29077439290000
    SET OGP=7D6903A6892A00007D2907743929FFFF
    SET COP=7D6903A6892A00007D29077439290000
    Not fully tested, but should be fine. It's for when you use a character to use a special skill that either increases or decreases the stats of another unit for 3 turns.

    Magichange Uses Never Decrease
    0 0014B6DC 38090000
    SET OGP=419E01043809FFFF
    SET COP=419E010438090000

    Can Use All Weapon-Specific Skills Without Correct Equipment
    0 000787A4 88030165
    0 00138BE0 881F0165
    0 0013F658 88030165
    SET OGP=89230165881D0AD7
    SET COP=8923016588030165
    SET OGP=419D0944893F0165881E0AD7
    SET COP=419D0944893F0165881F0165
    SET OGP=812A007488090AD7
    SET COP=812A007488030165
    You can now use a fist skill with a axe or whatever. Couldn't quite get it working with Tower attacks or the special Geo Panel related things, doesn't matter though, not useful for anything.

    Unlimited Create A Character Or Reincarnate Bonus Points
    0 001BB4EC 60000000
    0 001BB558 60000000
    0 001BBD04 38000000
    SET OGP=800900002F800000409D00C8
    SET COP=800900002F80000060000000
    SET OGP=7C0B07B47F835800419D0010
    SET COP=7C0B07B47F83580060000000
    SET OGP=409E03E88122D3C8
    SET COP=409E03E838000000

    Unlimited Dispatch
    0 00134E08 60000000
    SET OGP=893E67FC3929FFFF
    SET COP=893E67FC60000000

    Press Select To Instantly Win A Stage
    0 00238190 8809042F
    0 00238194 3D2001A8
    0 00238198 8929A81E
    0 0023819C 2F890000
    0 002381A0 419E0008
    0 002381A4 38000000
    0 002381A8 481786E6
    0 001786E0 48238192
    SET OGP=0026030C00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
    SET COP=0026030C8809042F3D2001A88929A81E2F890000419E000838000000481786E6
    SET OGP=813B00008809042F
    SET COP=813B000048238192

    Can Control Anything
    0 00155DB0 60000000
    0 00155DC0 60000000
    0 00151A88 60000000
    0 00151A94 4800019C
    SET OGP=480000C8880B042F7C1C07742C1C000040820064
    SET COP=60000000880B042F7C1C07742C1C000060000000
    SET OGP=419D0010C002BC14FF9F0000409C019C
    SET COP=60000000C002BC14FF9F00004800019C
    Added 2 lines so moving geoblocks to different heights doesn't crash the game.

    Max Hospital HP Healed From Any HP Healed
    0 001902A0 60000000
    SET OGP=916967908162C5D0E922C8A0E80B03B87FA04800409D0008
    SET COP=916967908162C5D0E922C8A0E80B03B87FA0480060000000

    Max Hospital SP Regained From Any SP Regained
    0 001902B8 60000000
    SET OGP=409D0008F92B03C07FA3EB78
    SET COP=60000000F92B03C07FA3EB78

    Max Hospital Revives From 1 Revive
    0 00190288 60000000
    SET OGP=800967907F805800409D0008
    SET COP=800967907F80580060000000

    Item World Stages Completed Multiplier
    0 00113AF0 3929????
    SET OGP=39290001912B000038600909
    SET COP=3929????912B000038600909
    The game processes this and then total amount of stages before you exited the item world, so if you can can a negative number. Instead just use the code so none are counted as skipped along with the multiplier for total stages passed.

    Item World Total Stages Passed Multiplier Including Skipped
    0 001738F8 3929????
    SET OGP=39090001990A6818892A725A39290001992A725A8162B150812B000039290001
    SET COP=39090001990A6818892A725A39290001992A725A8162B150812B00003929????

    Never Skipped Any Item World Levels
    0 00237E7C 912BFFFC
    0 00237E80 912B0000
    0 00237E84 48173902
    0 001738FC 48237E7E
    SET OGP=EBE5F72F000000000000000000000000
    SET COP=EBE5F72F912BFFFC912B000048173902
    SET OGP=912B0000880A67FD2F800003409E01B4
    SET COP=48237E7E880A67FD2F800003409E01B4

    Item World Kill Multiplier
    0 000D5F00 3929????
    SET OGP=39290001912B00008162A3F0
    SET COP=3929????912B00008162A3F0

    Always Killed All Encountered Enemies
    0 00237EA4 912B0000
    0 00237EA8 912B0004
    0 00237EAC 4807EF6E
    0 0007EF68 48237EA6
    SET OGP=00260390000000000000000000000000
    SET COP=00260390912B0000912B00044807EF6E
    SET OGP=912B0000386000004800000838600000E80100D07C0803A6EB210070EB410078EB610080EB810088EBA10090EBC10098EBE100A0CBA100A8CBC100B0CBE100B8382100C04E800020F821FF517C0802A6FBA10098FBC100A0FBE100A8F80100C07C7D1B787C8C23787CA62B78800101247C0807B480E1012C3BC00000816294C0380000A07C0903A61C1E04987C005A14781F0020881F01A57C0507742C05000041820018381E00017C1E07B44200FFDC3BC0FFFF48000044B3DF01C8F9410070F9010078F8E100807FE3FB787FA4EB787D8563787D2A4B784BFFFCD9
    SET COP=48237EA6386000004800000838600000E80100D07C0803A6EB210070EB410078EB610080EB810088EBA10090EBC10098EBE100A0CBA100A8CBC100B0CBE100B8382100C04E800020F821FF517C0802A6FBA10098FBC100A0FBE100A8F80100C07C7D1B787C8C23787CA62B78800101247C0807B480E1012C3BC00000816294C0380000A07C0903A61C1E04987C005A14781F0020881F01A57C0507742C05000041820018381E00017C1E07B44200FFDC3BC0FFFF48000044B3DF01C8F9410070F9010078F8E100807FE3FB787FA4EB787D8563787D2A4B784BFFFCD9

    Encountered Enemies Multiplier
    0 0007EF64 3929????
    SET OGP=B01D01848122951C3D29000D880967FD7C0007742F800003419E000C2F800005409E003CA01D04047C0907342C0900004082002C813D0074A0091FA42F8000F3419E001C81629678812B000039290001
    SET COP=B01D01848122951C3D29000D880967FD7C0007742F800003419E000C2F800005409E003CA01D04047C0907342C0900004082002C813D0074A0091FA42F8000F3419E001C81629678812B00003929????

    Item General, Item King, And Item God Always Defeated
    0 0017E0B4 38000001
    SET OGP=600000008122C3A438000000
    SET COP=600000008122C3A438000001
    It sets 1 to many item world related things, but I don't know what all of them actually are.

    Bonus Gauge Always Full
    0 0007B690 3BA00009
    0 0007B6A0 B3A967F4
    0 0007B6A4 48048629
    SET OGP=A3A967F47F03C3783880008238A000004804862D60000000
    SET COP=3BA000097F03C3783880008238A00000B3A967F448048629

    Item World Stage Modifier
    0 00249970 88A96818
    0 00249974 3C8001A8
    0 00249978 8804A827
    0 0024997C 2F800000
    0 00249980 419E006C
    0 00249984 8804A81C
    0 00249988 3C6001F9
    0 0024998C 88830220
    0 00249990 98030220
    0 00249994 2F800000
    0 00249998 419E0014
    0 0024999C 7F840040
    0 002499A0 419E0050
    0 002499A4 38A50001
    0 002499A8 4800002C
    0 002499AC 3C8001A8
    0 002499B0 8804A81A
    0 002499B4 3C6001F9
    0 002499B8 88830221
    0 002499BC 98030221
    0 002499C0 2F800000
    0 002499C4 419E002C
    0 002499C8 7F840040
    0 002499CC 419E0024
    0 002499D0 38A5FFFF
    0 002499D4 98A96818
    0 002499D8 3C8000C1
    0 002499DC 98A43C9F
    0 002499E0 3C8000ED
    0 002499E4 98A4B2B8
    0 002499E8 3C8001A7
    0 002499EC 98A49687
    0 002499F0 4813BC76
    0 0013BC70 48249972
    SET OGP=82DD82EB0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
    SET COP=82DD82EB000000000000000088A968183C8001A88804A8272F800000419E006C8804A81C3C6001F988830220980302202F800000419E00147F840040419E005038A500014800002C3C8001A88804A81A3C6001F988830221980302212F800000419E002C7F840040419E002438A5FFFF98A968183C8000C198A43C9F3C8000ED98A4B2B83C8001A798A496874813BC76
    SET OGP=8122B0603D29000D88A96818
    SET COP=8122B0603D29000D48249972
    R2 + /\ = +1 Stage
    R2 + \/ = -1 Stage
    While in the item world, you will need to press Triangle to see which floor you are on, and while that window is open you can modify which stage you are on.

    Innocent Modifier
    0 00240410 A1650004
    0 00240414 3CC001A8
    0 00240418 8906A826
    0 0024041C 2F880000
    0 00240420 419E01D4
    0 00240424 3D2001F9
    0 00240428 89490222
    0 0024042C 8906A81B
    0 00240430 99090222
    0 00240434 2F880000
    0 00240438 419E00D4
    0 0024043C 7F8A4040
    0 00240440 419E01B4
    0 00240444 2F8B0008
    0 00240448 409E000C
    0 0024044C 3960000B
    0 00240450 480001A0
    0 00240454 2F8B0010
    0 00240458 409E000C
    0 0024045C 39600015
    0 00240460 48000190
    0 00240464 2F8B001A
    0 00240468 409E000C
    0 0024046C 3960001F
    0 00240470 48000180
    0 00240474 2F8B0022
    0 00240478 409E000C
    0 0024047C 39600029
    0 00240480 48000170
    0 00240484 2F8B0030
    0 00240488 409E000C
    0 0024048C 39600033
    0 00240490 48000160
    0 00240494 2F8B003B
    0 00240498 409E000C
    0 0024049C 3960003D
    0 002404A0 48000150
    0 002404A4 2F8B0042
    0 002404A8 409E000C
    0 002404AC 39600047
    0 002404B0 48000140
    0 002404B4 2F8B0048
    0 002404B8 409E000C
    0 002404BC 3960006F
    0 002404C0 48000130
    0 002404C4 2F8B0070
    0 002404C8 409E000C
    0 002404CC 39600083
    0 002404D0 48000120
    0 002404D4 2F8B008A
    0 002404D8 409E000C
    0 002404DC 3960008D
    0 002404E0 48000110
    0 002404E4 2F8B008D
    0 002404E8 409E000C
    0 002404EC 396000C9
    0 002404F0 48000100
    0 002404F4 2F8B00E1
    0 002404F8 409E000C
    0 002404FC 39600001
    0 00240500 480000F0
    0 00240504 396B0001
    0 00240508 480000E8
    0 0024050C 3D2001F9
    0 00240510 89490223
    0 00240514 8906A819
    0 00240518 99090223
    0 0024051C 2F880000
    0 00240520 419E00D4
    0 00240524 7F8A4040
    0 00240528 419E00CC
    0 0024052C 2F8B00C9
    0 00240530 409E000C
    0 00240534 3960008D
    0 00240538 480000B8
    0 0024053C 2F8B008D
    0 00240540 409E000C
    0 00240544 3960008A
    0 00240548 480000A8
    0 0024054C 2F8B0083
    0 00240550 409E000C
    0 00240554 39600070
    0 00240558 48000098
    0 0024055C 2F8B006F
    0 00240560 409E000C
    0 00240564 39600048
    0 00240568 48000088
    0 0024056C 2F8B0047
    0 00240570 409E000C
    0 00240574 39600042
    0 00240578 48000078
    0 0024057C 2F8B003D
    0 00240580 409E000C
    0 00240584 3960003B
    0 00240588 48000068
    0 0024058C 2F8B0033
    0 00240590 409E000C
    0 00240594 39600030
    0 00240598 48000058
    0 0024059C 2F8B0029
    0 002405A0 409E000C
    0 002405A4 39600022
    0 002405A8 48000048
    0 002405AC 2F8B001F
    0 002405B0 409E000C
    0 002405B4 3960001A
    0 002405B8 48000038
    0 002405BC 2F8B0015
    0 002405C0 409E000C
    0 002405C4 39600010
    0 002405C8 48000028
    0 002405CC 2F8B000B
    0 002405D0 409E000C
    0 002405D4 39600008
    0 002405D8 48000018
    0 002405DC 2F8B0001
    0 002405E0 409E000C
    0 002405E4 396000E1
    0 002405E8 48000008
    0 002405EC 396BFFFF
    0 002405F0 B1650004
    0 002405F4 A0050004
    0 002405F8 480A9192
    0 000A918C 48240412
    SET OGP=814800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
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
    SET OGP=4800004881229EA883E90000A0050004
    SET COP=4800004881229EA883E9000048240412
    R1 + > = Cycle +1 Innocent
    R1 + < = Cycle -1 Innocent
    To use this, go to Misha the Item Worlder, then enter Transfer Residents.
    You'll need at least 1 transferable innocent, if not there's a code to make any new innocents transferrable.
    Select an item with a transferable innocent, then select any item with a innocent you want to modify.
    Move the cursor over the innocent you want to modify and then use the button combos to modify it.

    0001 = Dietician
    0002 = Master
    0003 = Gladiator
    0004 = Sentry
    0005 = Tutor
    0006 = Coach
    0007 = Marksman
    0008 = Physician
    000B = Muscleman
    000C = Sprinter
    000D = Nerd
    000E = Hard Worker
    000F = Patient
    0010 = Sniper
    0015 = Alchemist
    0016 = Hypnotist
    0017 = Witch Doctor
    0018 = Amnesiac
    0019 = Gangster
    001A = Professional
    001F = Collector
    0020 = Collector
    0021 = Collector
    0022 = Collector
    0029 = Pharmacist
    002A = Coffee Maker
    002B = Medicine Man
    002C = Psychologist
    002D = Social Worker
    002E = Firefighter
    002F = Aeronaut
    0030 = Cryophile
    0033 = Fist Fighter
    0034 = Fencer
    0035 = Lancer
    0036 = Eros
    0037 = Deadeye
    0038 = Lumberjack
    0039 = Cane Man
    003A = Monster Hunter
    003B = Guardian
    003D = Broker
    003E = Statistician
    003F = Manager
    0040 = Armsmaster
    0041 = Mentor
    0042 = Artisan
    0047 = Evility Lover
    0048 = Magichange Lover
    006F = Mediater
    0070 = Teacher
    0083 = Item General
    0084 = Item King
    0085 = Item God
    0086 = Item God 2
    0087 = Class Secretary
    0088 = Class Treasurer
    0089 = Class President
    008A = Class President
    008D = Bailiff
    00C9 = Kinder Gardener
    00CA = Berry Picker
    00CB = Secret Trainer
    00CC = Hop Step Cheer
    00CD = High Spiriter
    00CE = Glutton
    00CF = Punisher
    00D0 = Sweet Tempter
    00D1 = Mana Robber
    00D2 = Cat Burglar
    00D3 = All Digger
    00D4 = Trash Talker
    00D5 = Rubber
    00D6 = Sensationalist
    00D7 = Wuss
    00D8 = Town Crier
    00D9 = Sun Bather
    00DA = Joke Slapper
    00DB = Motivator
    00DC = Medium Rare
    00DD = Heat Seeker
    00DE = Smeller
    00DF = Fluffifier
    00E0 = Mode Changer
    00E1 = Reaper

    Evility Modifier
    0 00240790 3CC001A8
    0 00240794 8806A827
    0 00240798 2F800000
    0 0024079C 419E0054
    0 002407A0 A3E30008
    0 002407A4 8806A819
    0 002407A8 3D0001F9
    0 002407AC 89280224
    0 002407B0 98080224
    0 002407B4 2F800000
    0 002407B8 419E0014
    0 002407BC 7F890040
    0 002407C0 419E0030
    0 002407C4 3BFFFFFF
    0 002407C8 48000024
    0 002407CC 8806A81B
    0 002407D0 89280225
    0 002407D4 98080225
    0 002407D8 2F800000
    0 002407DC 419E0014
    0 002407E0 7F890040
    0 002407E4 419E000C
    0 002407E8 3BFF0001
    0 002407EC B3E30008
    0 002407F0 7C9F2378
    0 002407F4 480B340E
    0 000B3408 48240792
    0 000E4E6C 60000000
    SET OGP=57000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
    SET COP=57000000000000003CC001A88806A8272F800000419E0054A3E300088806A8193D0001F989280224980802242F800000419E00147F890040419E00303BFFFFFF480000248806A81B89280225980802252F800000419E00147F890040419E000C3BFF0001B3E300087C9F2378480B340E
    SET OGP=F80101A07C9F2378
    SET COP=F80101A048240792
    SET OGP=7D29F21479230020A00300082F800000419E0014
    SET COP=7D29F21479230020A00300082F80000060000000
    R2 + < = Cycle -1 Evility
    R2 + > = Cycle +1 Evility
    I didn't make any Evility title typos, since this is the first Disgaea game to ever have them I'm guessing many of these went unused and possibly not even fully coded in so there's many half spelled titles and weird icons.

    0001 = Love Thy Heart = If enemy level is higher, damage dealt increased by 20%.
    0002 = Power Survivage = If enemy level is lower, damage dealt increased by 50%.
    0003 = Divine Killeage = Damage dealt to human type units increased by 25%.
    0004 = Cleanse Evil = Damage dealt to monster type units increased by 25%.
    0005 = Boy Hunt = Damage dealt increased by 20% if enemy is male.
    0006 = Girl Huntourage = Damage dealt increased by 20% if enemy is female.
    0007 = Hawk DowCourage = Damage dealt increased by 50% if enemy can fly.
    0008 = Physical Booage = Special physical attack damage increased by 15%.
    0009 = Magical Boostge = Special magical attack damage increased by 15%.
    000A = Heal Mastery = Healing magic effects increased by 100%.
    000B = Spirit Benediction = Elemental damage increased by 20%.
    000C = Hero-Style Comba = Non-element attack damage increased by 20%.
    000D = Flame's Blessing = Fire attack damage increased by 30%.
    000E = Wind's Blessing = Wind attack damage increased by 30%.
    000F = Ice's Blessing = Ice attack damage increased by 30%.
    0010 = Star's Blessing = Star attack damage increased by 30%.
    0011 = Uber Overlord So = Special attack damage increased by 20%.
    0012 = Normal Skill Boost = Damage dealt increased by 20% for normal skills.
    0013 = Blood Insaniage = Damage dealt increased by 30% when target HP is under 50%.
    0014 = Sadistic = Damage dealt increased by 30% if enemy's HP is max.
    0015 = Hero's OCourage = If enemy level is higher, damage taken decreased by 50%.
    0016 = Superiorityrage = If enemy level is lower, damage received decreased by 50%.
    0017 = You are Uselage = Decrease damage taken by human type units by 50%.
    0018 = Calming Aura = Damage taken from monster type units decreased by 50%.
    0019 = Pretty Motioage = Damage taken from male units decreased by 50%.
    001A = Macho Splendage = Damage taken from female units decreased by 50%.
    001B = Anti-Air DEF=ge = Damage taken decreased by 20% if enemy can fly.
    001C = Immortal Bodyge = Damage decreased by 50% when receiving physical attacks.
    001D = Mist CloCourage = Damage decreased by 50% when receiving magic attack.
    001E = Heal Gainourage = Heal amount increased by 50% when receiving healing magic.
    001F = Natural Oafy Aura = Damage decreased by 50% when damaged by an elemental attack.
    0020 = Gel Body = Damage decreased by 50% when receiving non-elemental attack.
    0021 = Fire BodCourage = Damage decreased by 50% when receiving fire attack.
    0022 = Windy Body = Damage decreased by 50% when receiving wind attack.
    0023 = Cool BodCourage = Damage decreased by 50% when receiving ice attack.
    0024 = Star Bodyourage = Damage decreased by 50% when receiving star attack.
    0025 = D-Protection = Damage taken from a special attack decreased by 50%.
    0026 = Shield Masteage = Decrease damage taken from normal attacks by 50%.
    0027 = Suppression Star = Damage taken decreased by 50% if enemy HP is under 50%.
    0028 = HP Max DEF Boost = Damage decreased by 20% if enemy HP is max.
    0029 = Fist Range Upge = Attack range increased by 1 panels when fist is equipped.
    002A = Sword Range age = Attack range increased by 1 panels when sword is equipped.
    002B = Spear Range Up = Attack range increased by 1 panels when spear is equipped.
    002C = Bow Rangonus = Attack range increased by 1 panels when bow is equipped.
    002D = Long Shoonus = Attack range increased by 1 panels when gun is equipped.
    002E = Axe Range Up = Attack range increased by 1 panels when axe is equipped.
    002F = Staff Range = Attack range increased by 1 panels when staff is equipped.
    0030 = Enlaht Bonus = Magic range increased by 1 panels.
    0031 = Move Range Up = Move range increased by 1 panels.
    0033 = Damage Endurance = Damage decreased by 25% when receiving an attack.
    0034 = Physical Endurance = Damage decreased by 40% when receiving physical attack.
    0035 = Magical Enduranc = Damage decreased by 40% when receiving magic attack.
    0036 = Evade Damage = 25% chance to evade all attacks.
    0037 = Gun Range Up = Attack range increased by 1 panels when gun is equipped.
    003D = Muscle Maste = HP Aptitude increased by 10%.
    003E = Mind Mastery = SP Aptitude increased by 10%.
    003F = Offense Mast = ATK Aptitude increased by 10%.
    0040 = Defense Mastery = DEF Aptitude increased by 10%.
    0041 = Casting Mast = INT Aptitude increased by 10%.
    0042 = Dodge Mastery = SPD Aptitude increased by 10%.
    0043 = Snipe Mastery = HIT Aptitude increased by 10%.
    0044 = Resist Mastery = RES Aptitude increased by 10%.
    0047 = Armor Master = Equipment aptitude for HP & DEF increased by 30%.
    0048 = Dark Mastery = Aptitude increased by 20% when Monster weapon is equipped.
    0049 = M Weapon Mas = Aptitude increased by 20% when Magichange weapon equipped.
    004A = Vortex = Aptitude becomes 10%, but base stats increased by 100%.
    004B = Gimmick Body = Aptitude becomes 200%, but base stats decreased by 50%.
    0051 = Killing Hand = 30% of base SPD added to HIT when fist weapon is equipped.
    0052 = Blade Daonus = 30% of base ATK added to SPD when sword is equipped.
    0053 = Sword Foonus = 30% of base ATK added to INT when sword is equipped.
    0054 = Energy Slash = 10% of current SP added to ATK when sword is equipped.
    0055 = Spear Defens = 30% of base ATK added to DEF when spear is equipped.
    0056 = Spear Stonus = 30% of base HIT added to ATK when spear is equipped.
    0057 = Bow Focuonus = 30% of base HIT added to ATK when bow is equipped.
    0058 = Power Shot = 30% of base ATK added to HIT when bow is equipped.
    0059 = Gun Triconus = 30% of base HIT added to SPD when gun is equipped.
    005A = Heavy Smonus = 30% of base DEF added to ATK when axe is equipped.
    005B = Concentrates = 30% of base INT added to HIT when staff is equipped.
    005C = Illusion = 30% of base INT added to SPD when staff is equipped.
    005D = Psycho Barri = 20% of current SP added to DEF in monster weapon is equipped.
    005E = Mach Stronus = 30% of base SPD added to ATK when monster weapon is equipped.
    005F = Divine Bonus = 30% of base RES added to ATK when monster weapon is equipped.
    0060 = Mind Concentration = 30% of base RES added to INT when monster weapon is equipped.
    0061 = Magic Foonus = 10% of current SP added to INT if monster weapon is equipped.
    0062 = Magic Conversion = 10% of current SP added to INT.
    0063 = Image Change = Switch values of HP & SP, and ATK & INT.
    0065 = Princess Glitter = Increase stats of adjacent male ally units by 20%.
    0066 = Beauty is Sin = Increase stats of adjacent female ally units by 20%.
    0067 = Dark Tamer = Increase stats of adjacent ally monster units by 20%.
    0068 = Prinny Boost = Increase stats of adjacent ally Prinny units by 20%.
    0069 = Ghost Boonus = Increase stats of adjacent ally Ghost units by 50%.
    006A = Preventionus = Prevents ailments to adjacent allies.
    006B = Lady's Attention = Increase stats by 20% per adjacent female ally unit.
    006C = Wild Cry = Increase stats by 20% per adjacent enemy unit.
    006D = Wild Gathering = ATK increased by 20% per adjacent ally unit.
    006F = Shroom Power = Decrease stats of adjacent female enemy units by 20%.
    0070 = Void = Decrease stats of adjacent enemy units by 20%.
    0071 = Sexy Auranus = Decrease stats of adjacent male enemy units by 20%.
    0072 = Miasma of Defian = Elemental stats of adjacent enemy units decreased by 50%.
    0073 = Miasma of Silence = Prohibits special skill use by adjacent enemy units.
    0074 = Dark Auronus = Voids healing magic of adjacent enemy unit.
    0075 = Miasma of Darkness = Deprave effect doubled to adjacent enemy units.
    0076 = Miasma of La = SPD of adjacent enemy units decreased by 50%.
    0079 = One Man Army = When left as the last unit, stats increased by 100%.
    007A = Heroine's Dream = Increase stats by 5% per male ally unit on map.
    007B = Obvious Tendency = Increase stats by 5% per female ally unit on map.
    007C = Super Adrenaline = Stats increased by 5% per enemy unit defeated.
    007D = Fire of Reve = Stats increased by 10% per ally unit defeated.
    007E = Grudge = INT increased by 10% per ally unit defeated.
    007F = Mass Psyches = Stats increased by 10% per same species unit.
    0080 = Hero's Authority = Increase stats by 3% per enemy unit on map.
    0081 = Geo Energy = Stats increased by 10% per Geo Block color on map.
    0082 = Strange Forc = Stat increased by 10% per bonus rank gained.
    0083 = Dark Blood = Stats increased by 5% per monster unit on map.
    0084 = Furious Rage = ATK increased every time a normal attack is received.
    0085 = Hello Throws = Stats increased by number of times thrown x 10%. (within turn)
    0086 = Overdrivenus = ATK increased by # of criticals occurred x 10%.
    0087 = Heavy Stance = Cannot be lifted, but stats increase by 20%.
    008D = Wide Vienus = ATK increased by 20% only if distance is kept from enemy.
    008E = Hunter's Ran = HIT increased by 30% only if distance is kept from enemy.
    00A1 = Life's Breath = Base HP increased by 5%.
    00A2 = Mind Discipl = Base SP increased by 5%.
    00A3 = Muscle Enhancement = Base ATK increased by 5%.
    00A4 = Iron Bodonus = Base DEF increased by 5%.
    00A5 = Pool of Knowledge = Base INT increased by 5%.
    00A6 = Reflexes = Base SPD increased by 5%.
    00A7 = Dynamic Vision = Base HIT increased by 5%.
    00A8 = Mystic Protectio = Base RES increased by 5%.
    00AB = ATK Down, SPD Up = Unit's ATK decreased by 30%, SPD increased by 50%.
    00AC = Darkness Pac = Stats increased by 30%, HP cannot be healed by magic.
    00AD = Activationus = Stats increased by 20% when HP is max.
    00AE = Self Burning = Stats increased by 10% when SP is max.
    00AF = Evil Charm = INT increased by 25% when HP is max.
    00B0 = Chicken Hear = MV increased by 3, stats decreased by 30%.
    00B1 = Violence = Stats increased by 50%, EXP gain becomes 50%.
    00B2 = Nadeshiko's Form = ATK increased by 30% when HP is max.
    00B3 = White Lily Dance = SPD increased by 30% when HP is max.
    00B4 = Rapid Moonus = MC increased by 2 when SP is at max.
    00B5 = Battle Order = Increase ATK of adjacent ally units by 20%.
    00B6 = Vengeancenus = Increase DEF of adjacent ally units by 20%.
    00B7 = Meditationus = Increase INT of adjacent ally units by 20%.
    00B8 = Accelerate = Increase SPD of adjacent ally units by 20%.
    00B9 = Accuracy = Increase HIT of adjacent ally units by 20%.
    00BA = Fortitudenus = Increase RES of adjacent ally units by 20%.
    00BB = Herbal Thera = Element stats of adjacent ally units increased by 50%.
    00BC = Sweet Aromas = Recovers 20% HP of adjacent ally units at end of turn.
    00BD = Light's Blessing = Magic damage to adjacent allies decreased by 50%.
    00BE = Spirit's Blessing = Elemental damage to adjacent allies decreased by 50%.
    00BF = Relaxation = SP consumption of adjacent ally units decreased by 50%.
    00C0 = Princess Hop = Increase critical rate of adjacent ally units by 20%.
    00C1 = Princess Orders = Increase magic range of adjacent ally units by 1.
    00C2 = Respht Bonus = Extra gain distance increased by 2% when part of committee.
    00C9 = Lovely Songs = Stats of allies on map increased by 5%.
    00CA = Dominant Smile = Stats of ally Prinnies on map increased by 20%.
    00CB = Charmy Sonus = Chain rate of allies on map increased by 10%.
    00CC = Lucky Song = Critical damage of allies on map increased by 20%.
    00CD = Happy Soonus = EXP gain of allies on map increased by 20%.
    00CE = Healing Paradise = Healing magic effects to allies on map increased by 100%.
    00CF = Power of Miracle = Increase stats of ally ghosts on map by 20%.
    00D0 = Shin of Sou = Increase Mana gain of allies on map by 20%.
    00D1 = Monster Frie = Attack Power of ally monster units on map increased by 10%.
    00D2 = Bond of Souls = No turn limit when using Magichange.
    00D3 = Cursed Dance = Stats of enemies on map decreased by 5%.
    00D4 = Hazard Dance = Ailment chance of enemies on map increased by 20%.
    00D5 = Ominous Dance = Evasion of enemies on map decreased by 20%.
    00D6 = Ruin Danonus = Element stats of enemies on map decreased by 25%.
    00D7 = Dismal Oonus = Heal magic effects by enemies on the map decreased by 50%.
    00D8 = Mind Shackle = SP consumption of enemies on map increased by 100%.
    00DD = MadnessBonus = ATK increased by 50% when self HP is under 25%.
    00DE = DEF Up in Danger = DEF increased by 20% when HP is under 25%.
    00DF = Grudge Tonus = INT increased by 50% when self HP is under 25%.
    00E0 = SPD Up in Danger = SPD increased by 20% when HP is under 25%.
    00E1 = HIT Up in Danger = HIT increased by 20% when HP is under 25%.
    00E2 = RES Up in Danger = RES increased by 20% when HP is under 25%.
    00E3 = Mortal Strength = ATK & INT increased by 20% when HP is under 25%.
    00E4 = Last Fortres = DEF & RES increased by 50% when HP is under 25%.
    00E5 = Emergency Ru = Move increased by 3% when self HP is under 25%.
    00E6 = Anti Element = Element stats uncreased by 50% when HP is under 25%.
    00F1 = ATK to Damag = 20% of ATK added to damage.
    00F2 = DEF to Damage = 20% of DEF added to damage.
    00F3 = INT to Damag = 20% of INT added to damage.
    00F4 = SPD to Damage = 20% of SPD added to damage.
    00F5 = HIT to Damag = 20% of HIT added to damage.
    00F6 = RES to Damage = 20% of RES added to damage.
    00F8 = Armor Pierce = 25% of ATK becomes fixed value for normal attack.
    00FB = Attack with Cure = Lifts any ailment when doing a normal attack.
    00FC = Attack with Steal = 20% chance to loot equipment if normal attack defeats enemy.
    00FD = Attack Multi = Normal attack 2 times.
    00FE = Attack Reversal = Normal attack damage is reversed.
    0105 = Poisonous Matter = 50% chance to add Poison effect to normal attack.
    0106 = Hypnosis Wav = 50% chance to add Sleep effect to normal attack.
    0107 = Unholy Talon = 50% chance to add Paralyze effect to normal attack.
    0108 = Amnesic Blas = 50% chance to add Forget effect to normal attack.
    0109 = Temptationus = 50% chance to add Deprave effect to normal attack.
    010A = Star Crossed Fate = Ailment success rate increased by 30%.
    010F = Poison Chance = Damage to targets affected by Poison increased by 100%.
    0110 = Dream Hunt = Damage to Sleeping targets increased by 100%.
    0111 = Death Fang = Damage to Paralyzed targets increased by 100%.
    0112 = Spiritual Wa = Damage to target affected by Forget increased by 100%.
    0113 = Punishing Punisher = Damage to Depraved target increased by 100%.
    0114 = Deadly Poiso = Poison damage of poisoned adjacent enemy increased by 100%.
    0119 = Poison Vacci = Chance to evade Poison effect increased by 50%.
    011A = Sleep Vaccine = Chance to evade Sleep effect increased by 50%.
    011B = Paralyze Vaccine = Chance to evade Paralyze effect increased by 50%.
    011C = Forget Vaccine = Chance to evade Forget effect increased by 50%.
    011D = Deprave Vacc = Chance to evade Deprave effect increased by 50%.
    011E = Ailment Immunity = Chance to evade ailments increased by 20%.
    0123 = Poison Mutilation = ATK increased by 50% when poisoned.
    0124 = Sleeht Bonus = 20% increase when Sleeping.
    0125 = Paralyzed, INT Up = INT increased by 20% when Paralyzed.
    0126 = Voluntary Bondag = EXP gain increased by 100% when Paralyzed.
    0127 = Forgotten Arts = ATK increased by 50% while affected by Forget.
    0128 = Degraded Life = Mana gain increased by 100% when Depraved.
    012D = Death's Heal = Stats decrease by 50%, but heal magic gains reverse effect.
    012E = Reverse Element = Reverse + and - values of elements.
    012F = Dark Grace = Effect of enfeebling magic increased by 50%.
    0130 = Light Graces = Effect of boost magic increased by 50%.
    013F = More Counter Hit = Number of counter attacks increased by 5.
    0140 = Echo = 25% chance to use the same special skill.
    0141 = Soul Cruonus = 50% of damage dealt also deals damage to SP.
    0142 = Mind Blast = Damage dealt with normal attack deals damage to SP instead.
    0143 = 100% Accurac = Attacks will always hit.
    0144 = Double Lock-on = Normal attack occurs twice if attacking without moving.
    0145 = Chivalry = Damage increased by 30% when attacking from front.
    0146 = Assassination = Attacks from behind are always critical.
    0147 = Purgatoronus = Crit damage increased by 50%.
    0148 = Fury Stronus = Crit damage + 100%, HIT - 30% when axe is equipped.
    0149 = Retributonus = Number of counter hits increased by 2.
    014A = Counter Power = Counter attack damage dealt increased by 50%.
    014B = Lion Staonus = Damage taken is added to the damage of the counter attack.
    014C = Fury = Number of counter hits x 25% damage increase. (within turn)
    014D = Hurt Me, Kill Yo = Counter attacks will always hit.
    014E = Counter Chance = Crit rate increased by 50% for counter attacks.
    014F = Assault Attack = Damage increased by # of moved panels x 10%. (within turn)
    0150 = Assault Charge = Crit rate increased by panels moved x 10%. (within turn)
    0151 = Accel Shot = Attack power increased by range (panels) x 5%.
    0152 = Positional Energy = Attack power increased by 30% to targets at a lower height.
    0153 = Height Bonus = 10% damage bonus per 12dm of height difference with target.
    0154 = Heaven's Blessing = Attack power increased by half of current dm x 1%.
    0155 = Violent Courage = Attack power increased by number of enemy units on map x 3%.
    0156 = Hit Critical = Crit rate increased by number of attacks x 10%.
    0157 = Elemental Fo = Reflect element value onto elemental attacks. (+element only)
    0158 = Calm Waterss = Attack power increased by 30% when attacking single target.
    0159 = Mass Blaster = Damage increased by 10% per target in area attack.
    015A = Zone Accurac = Accuracy increased by 10% per target in area attack.
    015B = Assault Attack = Damage bonus for number of enemy defeated x 5%.
    015C = Vendetta = 10% chance to one-shot target on counter attack.
    015D = Axel Bloonus = Crit damage increased by panels moved x 10%. (within turn)
    015E = Sharp Eyonus = Crit chance increased by 20%.
    015F = Misty Haze = 50% chance to evade attacks from front.
    0160 = Flicker Wing = 50% chance to evade close range attacks.
    0161 = Sakura Illusion = 50% chance to evade long range attacks.
    0162 = Flame Haze = 50% chance to evade ranged and area special skills.
    0163 = Trick Move = Evasion bonus increased by moved panels x 10%. (within turn)
    0164 = Cat Step = 50% chance to evade if on higher height than attacker.
    0165 = C-Snipinonus = Normal attack's crit damage increased by 100% if not moved.
    0166 = Euthanasia = Normal attack will one-shot target with less than 25% HP.
    0167 = Death Whisper = Normal attack will one-shot targets with less than 25% SP.
    0168 = Dead or Alive = Normal attack crit rate becomes 100%, for both sides.
    0169 = Kamikaze = Crit damage increased by 100% when self HP is under 25%.
    016A = Dying Crit Boost = Crit rate increased by 20% when HP is under 25%.
    016B = Dying Counter = Counter attack damage increased by 20% when HP is under 25%.
    016C = Dying Deathb = 20% chance to one-shot attack when HP is under 25%.
    016D = Dying Evasion = Evasion increased when HP is under 25%.
    016E = Chasing Fang = 50% chance to hit twice if HP is under 25%.
    016F = Patience = Normal attack damage increased by 50% when self HP under 25%.
    0170 = Entertainment Li = Nulls non-elemental special attacks if HP is under 25%.
    0171 = Fallen Peony = If enemy level is higher, crit damage increased by 80%.
    0172 = Camellia Chaos = If enemy level is higher, crit rate increased by 30%.
    0173 = Null Non-Element = Ignores non-element attacks.
    0174 = Null Firenus = Ignores fire element attacks.
    0175 = Null Winonus = Ignores wind element attacks.
    0176 = Null Ice = Ignores ice element attacks.
    0177 = Null Staonus = Ignores star element attacks.
    0178 = Null Physical = Ignores physical attacks.
    0179 = Null Magonus = Ignores magical attacks.
    017A = Vision Blurs = Damage is nulled when Nicked.
    017B = Daisy's onus = Become immune to ally attacks.
    017D = Void Justice = Odd Turns: Immune to physical. Even Turns: Immune to magic.
    017E = Faintt Bonus = Cancel out the enemy's counter attack.
    017F = Safeht Bonus = When attacked, attack cannot be critical.
    0180 = Soulless Offset = Ignore ailments.
    0181 = Mind's Eonus = Null accuracy bonus when attacked from side or behind.
    0182 = No Height Penalty = Ignores the defense penalty due to height difference.
    0183 = Love Fieonus = Nulls all instant death effects on allies.
    0184 = E-Cancellers = Ignores elemental defense for attack.
    0187 = Advance Guard = Damage taken decreased by 80% when Defending.
    0188 = Aegist Bonus = Damage decreased by 30% when attacked from front.
    0189 = Hero-Style Defense = Automatically defend when receiving an attack from front.
    018A = Screw Counte = Will not counter attack, but damage taken decreased by 20%.
    018B = Backstab Poi = Poison effect added to normal attack from behind.
    018C = Backstab Sleep = Sleep effect added to normal attack from behind.
    018D = Backstab Paralyz = Paralyze effect added to nromal attack from behind.
    018E = Backstab Forget = Forget effect added to normal attack from behind.
    018F = Backstab Deprave = Deprave effect added to normal attack from behind.
    0190 = Backstab Half HP = Normal attack from behind deals damage = 50% to target's HP.
    0191 = Gold Finonus = HL gain increased by 100% if killing blow is dealt.
    0192 = Heart's Fertilit = 50% more Mana gained if killing blow is dealt.
    0193 = EXP Gain nus = EXP gain increased by 100% when defeating the enemy.
    0194 = Weapon EXP gain increased by 100% when using a weapon attack.
    0195 = Skill EXP Up = Skill EXP gain increased by 50% when using a special attack.
    0196 = Magic Moderation = 50% less SP used on special skills.
    0197 = Magic Bundle = Special skill power increased by 30%, but 50% more SP used.
    0198 = Heart Steals = Able to steal stat values when stealing.
    0199 = Thief Skills = Success rate doubled when stealing.
    019A = Treasure Hunt = 30% chance for Chest to appear if killing blow is dealt.
    019B = Lucky Finger = When breaking a chest, contents increased by 1 rank.
    019C = Healing Items = Effect of healing items increased by 100%.
    019D = Law by Range = Magic range increased by 2, but 50% more SP used.
    019E = Mana Gain Attack = Normal attack gains 10% of Mana gained with defeat of target.
    019F = EXP Gain Ups = EXP gain increased by 50% when defeating the enemy.
    01A0 = HL Gain onus = HL gain increased by 50% when enemy is defeated.
    01A1 = Effective Items = Effect of consumable items increased by 100%.
    01A5 = Photosynthesis = 10% of HP recovered at end of turn.
    01A6 = Magic Creation = 10% of SP recovered at end of turn.
    01A7 = Anger of Earth = 10% of damage dealt by normal attack recovers HP.
    01A8 = Energy Eater = 10% of damage dealt by normal attack recovers SP.
    01A9 = Corpse Eater = HP & SP fully recover if killing blow is by normal attack.
    01AA = Generate Pain = 20% of damage restores SP when attack is received.
    01AB = Poison Restores = SP recovers by 20% when taking action while Poisoned.
    01AC = Doze Off = HP & SP recover by 20% when taking action while Sleeping.
    01AD = Reviht Bonus = When HP is under 25%, recovers fully at the end of turn.
    01AE = Soft Inspiration = Stats decrease by 50%, but HP recovers at end of turn.
    01AF = Fresh Green Spro = Fully recovers upon level up.
    01B0 = End Turn HP Heal = HP recovers by 50% at end of turn.
    01B8 = 100% Team Attack = 100% chance to team attack with allies.
    01B9 = Team Formati = When joining a team attack, damage dealt increased by 50%.
    01BA = More Team Bo = Bonus gauge gain increased by 20% for team attacks.
    01BB = Ecstht Bonus = When joining a team attack, EXP gain increased by 50%.
    01BC = Impromptonus = Team chance increased by 50%.
    01BD = Synchrononus = Chain rate with monster becomes 99%.
    01BE = Second Attack = Damage dealt increased by 50% if part of Combo.
    01BF = Big Chance = Bonus gauge gain increased by 50% if part of Combo.
    01C0 = Assiht Bonus = During Combo, next ally to attack has 100% accuracy.
    01C1 = MarkingBonus = During Combo, next ally to attack has 100% crit rate.
    01C2 = Matching Breath = When using combined skills, damage dealt increased by 50%.
    01C3 = Tower Walk = Able to move as tower.
    01C4 = Tower Sponus = Able to use a throw command to split the tower.
    01C5 = Tower Climbs = Able to move to the top of the tower.
    01C6 = Throw Receiv = Catch the thrown unit.
    01C7 = Sky Swim = Swim through the air when thrown, to move to higher ground.
    01C8 = Throw Range = Throw range increased by 1 panels.
    01C9 = Jumper Upnus = Jump power increased by 10 dm.
    01CD = Multiple Cube Li = Able to lift multiple Geo Cubes.
    01CE = Cube Walknus = Able to move on top of a lifted Geo Cube.
    01D0 = Sky High = Movement type becomes Flying type.
    01D7 = Geo Dimensio = Won't take damage when Geo Panels are destroyed.
    01D8 = Learn Geo Wa = Able to use the special skill, [Geo Warp].
    01D9 = Geo Absorbers = Geo Block falling damage nullified.
    01DA = Explosive Nature = Will explode when thrown.
    01DB = Evade Danger = Null damage from Bombs.
    01DC = Unit Price, 1 Ce = Healing cost at Nurse's Office becomes 1 HL.
    01DD = Block, Drop, Heal = Amount of damage from the Geo Block fall recovers HP.
    01E1 = Restrained ATK U = Limits # of learnable skills, but skill attack power + 100%.
    01EB = HP Growth Spurt = HP growth at Level Up increased by 10.
    01EC = SP Growth Sp = SP growth at Level Up increased by 10.
    01ED = ATK Growth Spurt = ATK growth at Level Up increased by 10.
    01EE = DEF Growth Spurt = DEF growth at Level Up increased by 10.
    01EF = INT Growth Spurt = INT growth at Level Up increased by 10.
    01F0 = SPD Growth Spurt = SPD growth at Level Up increased by 10.
    01F1 = HIT Growth Spurt = HIT growth at Level Up increased by 10.
    01F2 = RES Growth Spurt = RES growth at Level Up increased by 10.
    01F3 = Level Spurts = Stats growth at Level Up increased by 5.
    01F4 = Level Sponus = Stats growth at Level Up increased by 10.
    01F5 = HP Growth Sp = HP growth at Level Up increased by 20.
    01F6 = SP Growth Spurt = SP growth at Level Up increased by 20.
    01F7 = ATK Growth Spurt = ATK growth at Level Up increased by 20.
    01F8 = DEF Growth Spurt = DEF growth at Level Up increased by 20.
    01F9 = INT Growth Spurt = INT growth at Level Up increased by 20.
    01FA = SPD Growth Spurt = SPD growth at Level Up increased by 20.
    01FB = HIT Growth Spurt = HIT growth at Level Up increased by 20.
    01FC = RES Growth Spurt = RES growth at Level Up increased by 20.
    01FD = Level Sponus = Stats growth at Level Up increased by 10.

    Special Skill Modifier
    0 00246010 3C6001A8
    0 00246014 8883A827
    0 00246018 2F840000
    0 0024601C 419E006C
    0 00246020 8883A81C
    0 00246024 3CA001F9
    0 00246028 2F840000
    0 0024602C 419E0018
    0 00246030 38800001
    0 00246034 B0850228
    0 00246038 38800000
    0 0024603C B0850226
    0 00246040 48000048
    0 00246044 A1050228
    0 00246048 8883A819
    0 0024604C 88E5022A
    0 00246050 9885022A
    0 00246054 2F840000
    0 00246058 419E0018
    0 0024605C 7F843840
    0 00246060 419E0028
    0 00246064 1D080002
    0 00246068 B1050228
    0 0024606C 4800001C
    0 00246070 8883A81A
    0 00246074 2F840000
    0 00246078 419E0010
    0 0024607C A0C50226
    0 00246080 7D083378
    0 00246084 B1050226
    0 00246088 7FA307B4
    0 0024608C 480A7562
    0 00246090 3CC001A8
    0 00246094 3D0001F9
    0 00246098 8806A828
    0 0024609C 2F800000
    0 002460A0 419E0010
    0 002460A4 A0C80226
    0 002460A8 B0C9000C
    0 002460AC 48000018
    0 002460B0 8806A825
    0 002460B4 2F800000
    0 002460B8 419E000C
    0 002460BC A0C9000C
    0 002460C0 B0C80226
    0 002460C4 48139A9E
    0 000A755C 48246012
    0 000A756C 3CE001F9
    0 000A7574 A0E70226
    0 000A7578 4BF85E51
    0 00139A98 48246092
    0 0023FD08 3CC001A8
    0 0023FD0C 3D0001F9
    0 0023FD10 8806A828
    0 0023FD14 2F800000
    0 0023FD18 419E0010
    0 0023FD1C A0C80226
    0 0023FD20 B0DD0008
    0 0023FD24 48000018
    0 0023FD28 8806A825
    0 0023FD2C 2F800000
    0 0023FD30 419E000C
    0 0023FD34 A0DD0008
    0 0023FD38 B0C80226
    0 0023FD3C 480E972A
    0 000E9724 4823FD0A
    SET OGP=8294828F000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
    SET COP=8294828F00000000000000003C6001A88883A8272F840000419E006C8883A81C3CA001F92F840000419E001838800001B085022838800000B085022648000048A10502288883A81988E5022A9885022A2F840000419E00187F843840419E00281D080002B10502284800001C8883A81A2F840000419E0010A0C502267D083378B10502267FA307B4480A75623CC001A83D0001F98806A8282F800000419E0010A0C80226B0C9000C480000188806A8252F800000419E000CA0C9000CB0C8022648139A9E
    SET OGP=0000007F8E7792E8000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
    SET COP=0000007F8E7792E8000000003CC001A83D0001F98806A8282F800000419E0010A0C80226B0DD0008480000188806A8252F800000419E000CA0DD0008B0C80226480E972A
    SET OGP=7FA307B47F8407B47F65DB7880C29DD4E8E903A0390000054BF85E5560000000
    SET COP=482460127F8407B47F65DB7880C29DD43CE001F939000005A0E702264BF85E51
    SET OGP=A12901407D2907345529083C392907D07D2907B47D3E4A14A069000C7C630734
    SET COP=A12901407D2907345529083C392907D07D2907B47D3E4A14A069000C48246092
    SET OGP=60000000A07D0008
    SET COP=4823FD0AA07D0008
    L3 = Copy selected skill to HL value
    R3 = Write HL value to selected skill
    /\ = Reset bit value to 0001 and HL value to 0000
    < = Shift bit left 1 bit
    \/ = Apply bit to HL value

    This will replace your HL with an amount set so you can visually see what value you have so you will know if you have the correct value for a certain skill.
    If the selected slot has no Special Skill, R3 won't do anything.

    To create a value of your choice for a skill, you'll need to press Triangle in the main area or during battle so you can see your current amount of HL.

    To use this, go to Special, select your character, and move the cursor over a skill of your choice to either copy the current skill or overwrite it with 1 you chose.
    You can also manually edit address 01F90226 with a value of your choice if you can write to memory while playing.
    Any of these values that you choose during battle are safe to use, but the values do not save and you'll need to copy it when you select a character.
    If you do this outside of battle, anything that isn't generic that you could normally get for a character from the Evility guy will crash your game.

    Get windows calculator and set the mode to programmer, you'll need it. While out of battle press Triangle, or in battle press Triangle. You will see your HL value. This code does not affect your actual HL count, I'm just stealing the displayed value for your visual aid.
    I will use this as an example: 0324 = Omega Heal
    0324 in windows calculator will show you these bits: 0000 0011 0010 0100
    While looking at your displayed HL, you'd press this button combo while holding R2: URRDRRRDRRRDD, then go to your skill you want to replace and press R3 to replace it.
    0324 as a decimal number is 804, and that's what you'll get. You then go to whatever character you want, get into their evility page, and then press Start + Up to make Fold Shop their 1st evility, or press Start + Down to make it their 2nd evility.
    For the bits, you start with the first 1 farthest on the right. Every 0 you see you just press left to go left 1 bit, and every 1 you see you press down. It moves right to left.
    0324 = 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0
    087F = 2175 decimal = Crusher Bones = 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
    From there you have what you need, pick a skill of your choice and press R3 to replace it.

    0001 = Test = TestTestTestTestTestTestTestTestTestTest
    0002 = Test = Test
    0065 = Triple Strike = Fist: ATK SPD Attack those three vital points! (Do not imitate)
    0066 = Phantom Fists = Fist: ATK SPD It'll scatter everywhere, but come back. Don't worry.
    0067 = Blazing Palm = Fist: ATK SPD Can you handle this hot, hot soul!? (Wind)
    0068 = Final Arts = Fist: ATK SPD Scream this name louder for more power.
    0069 = Splitting Shot = Fist: ATK SPD If you can do this, you'll be the class hero!
    006A = Big Bang = Fist: ATK SPD Mathematically impossible... It's just, the strongest.
    006B = Lion's Roar = Bonus-Fist: ATK SPD A not-so-special move seen all over the place.
    006C = Rising Dragon = Bonus-Fist: ATK SPD Can you breathe? Don't ask such questions.
    00C9 = Blade Rush = Sword: ATK Because they never told you not to run with swords.
    00CA = Hurricane Slash = Sword: ATK Rocks you like the spinning winds. Can cause dizziness.
    00CB = X-Level Flurry = Sword: ATK It'll just slice everything up tremendously fast.
    00CC = Slayer's Descent = Sword: ATK A special attack has descended from the heavens.
    00CD = Infinite Graves = Sword: ATK When the cursed swords gather, someone will die!
    00CE = Mach+ Slice = Sword: ATK You can even slice through dimensions. (Star)
    00CF = Moon Slash = Bonus-Sword: ATK Visual based, with the moon in the background.
    00D0 = Dark X Slash = Bonus-Sword: ATK A super move invented by a great swordsman.
    012D = Impaler Drop = Spear: ATK Jump up high! And... smash heads!
    012E = Pole Charge = Spear: ATK A version of a skill that some monkey taught me.
    012F = Peircing Spears = Spear: ATK Use of this move may cause chronic back pain.
    0130 = Divine Storm = Spear: ATK Summon divine winds so they can do their thing. (Wind)
    0131 = Golden Slicer = Spear: ATK There is no such thing as fate! Open your own future!
    0132 = Cannon Shower = Spear: ATK Destroy the world with a giant meteor. (Star)
    0133 = Lightning Spear = Bonus-Spear: ATK Comes with a rather refreshing aftertaste.
    0134 = Spear Storm = Bonus-Spear: ATK The greatest disaster of the Netherworld. (Fire)
    0191 = Twirly Attack = Bow: ATK HIT You yourself shall become the arrow. (Ice)
    0192 = Attack Punisher = Bow: ATK HIT Punish the bad guys with this super move.
    0193 = Skewer Piercer = Bow: ATK HIT These skewers are freshly made, just for you.
    0194 = Psycho Mirage = Bow: ATK HIT See, how pretty. (Ice)
    0195 = Illusion Master = Bow: ATK HIT A pretty mean skill. Amazing if you could dodge it.
    0196 = Omega Comet = Bow: ATK HIT I hope you get a feel for this super attack some day.
    0197 = Delta Split = Bonus-Bow: ATK HIT Pyramid magic protects contents from mold. (Sleep)
    0198 = Doppel Ganger = Bonus-Bow: ATK HIT Produce multiples to gang up on them. (Forget)
    01F5 = Gunman Spirit = Gun: SPD HIT He's the target! Just shoot him!
    01F6 = Cocktail Shaker = Gun: SPD HIT I guess the gun doesn't really matter much...
    01F7 = Armor Piercing = Gun: SPD HIT Here I go! Are you ready!? Huy yah...!
    01F8 = Magical Rain = Gun: SPD HIT You must infuse the bullet with spiritual energy first.
    01F9 = Megagun Launcher = Gun: SPD HIT A "Launcher" can't be a gun skill, can it? (Star)
    01FA = Hellfire Catharsis = Gun: SPD HIT Burn them to ashes with the ultimate fires of hell.
    01FB = Shooting Stars = Bonus-Gun: SPD HIT Don't go out of your way to shoot like that.
    01FC = Toten Kreuz = Bonus-Gun: SPD HIT It's hooooottttt! (Fire)
    0259 = Big Swing Slicer = Axe: ATK Fly in the face of axe fundamentals...
    025A = Seesaw Axe = Axe: ATK Never lose sight of your inner-child.
    025B = Boomerang Axe = Axe: ATK That's just... dangerous!
    025C = World Rounder = Axe: ATK You can hear about the 80 day trip on another day...
    025D = Gravitation Flare = Axe: ATK Always replace your divots. (Fire)
    025E = Illusive Quake = Axe: ATK A super secret move that can cut open the Netherworld.
    025F = Violent Storm = Bonus-Axe: ATK A feirce, yet elegant, serial attack.
    0260 = Calamity Drive = Bonus-Axe: ATK A move that'll scatter you beautifully. (Star)
    02BD = Fire = Magic: INT Attack the enemy with fire magic. (Level 1/Fire)
    02BE = Mega Fire = Magic: INT Attack the enemy with fire magic. (Level 2/Fire)
    02BF = Giga Fire = Magic: INT Attack the enemy with fire magic. (Level 3/Fire)
    02C0 = Omega Fire = Magic: INT Attack the enemy with fire magic. (Level 4/Fire)
    02C7 = Wind = Magic: INT Attack the enemy with wind magic. (Level 1/Wind)
    02C8 = Mega Wind = Magic: INT Attack the enemy with wind magic. (Level 2/Wind)
    02C9 = Giga Wind = Magic: INT Attack the enemy with wind magic. (Level 3/Wind)
    02CA = Omega Wind = Magic: INT Attack the enemy with wind magic. (Level 4/Wind)
    02D1 = Ice = Magic: INT Attack the enemy with ice magic. (Level 1/Ice)
    02D2 = Mega Ice = Magic: INT Attack the enemy with ice magic. (Level 2/Ice)
    02D3 = Giga Ice = Magic: INT Attack the enemy with ice magic. (Level 3/Ice)
    02D4 = Omega Ice = Magic: INT Attack the enemy with ice magic. (Level 4/Ice)
    02DB = Star = Magic: INT Attack the enemy with star magic. (Level 1/Star)
    02DC = Mega Star = Magic: INT Attack the enemy with star magic. (Level 2/Star)
    02DD = Giga Star = Magic: INT Attack the enemy with star magic. (Level 3/Star)
    02DE = Omega Star = Magic: INT Attack the enemy with star magic. (Level 4/Star)
    0321 = Heal = Heal: RES Restores target's HP. (Level 1)
    0322 = Mega Heal = Heal: RES Restores target's HP. (Level 2)
    0323 = Giga Heal = Heal: RES Restores target's HP. (Level 3)
    0324 = Omega Heal = Heal: RES Restores target's HP. (Ultimate)
    0325 = Espoir = Heal: Cures ailments. (Poison/Sleep/Paralyze/Forget/Deprave)
    032B = Brave Heart = Support: Increases target's ATK. (Lasts 3 turns)
    032C = Shield = Support: Increases target's DEF. (Lasts 3 turns)
    032D = Magic Boost = Support: Increases target's INT. (Lasts 3 turns)
    032E = Magic Wall = Support: Increases target's RES. (Lasts 3 turns)
    032F = Speed Boost = Support: Increases target's SPD. (Lasts 3 turns)
    0330 = Target Lock = Support: Increases target's HIT. (Lasts 3 turns)
    0331 = Enfeeble = Support: Decreases target's ATK. (Lasts 3 turns)
    0332 = Armor Break = Support: Decreases target's DEF. (Lasts 3 turns)
    0333 = Mind Break = Support: Decreases target's INT. (Lasts 3 turns)
    0334 = Resist Break = Support: Decreases target's RES. (Lasts 3 turns)
    0335 = Slow = Support: Decreases target's SPD. (Lasts 3 turns)
    0336 = Blind = Support: Decreases target's RES. (Lasts 3 turns)
    033F = Move Up = Unique: Increases target's move range. (Lasts 3 turns)
    0340 = Jump Up = Unique: Increases target's jumping power. (Lasts 3 turns)
    0341 = Counter Attack = Unique: Increases target's counter attacks. (Lasts 3 turns)
    0342 = Amazing Throw = Unique: Increases target's throwing range. (Lasts 3 turns)
    0343 = Magical Extension = Unique: Increases target's magic range. (Lasts 3 turns)
    0344 = Too Many Criticals = Unique: Increases target's critical rate. (Lasts 3 turns)
    0353 = Poison = Support: Puts target under Poison effect. (Lasts 3 turns)
    0354 = Slumber = Support: Puts target under Sleep effect. (Lasts 3 turns)
    0355 = Stun = Support: Puts target under Paralyze effect. (Lasts 3 turns)
    0356 = Blank Out = Support: Puts target under Forget effect. (Lasts 3 turns)
    0357 = Charm = Support: Puts target under Deprave effect. (Lasts 3 turns)
    Geo Panel Elder
    0385 = Geo Change = Unique: Rearranges Geo Panels/ Symbols. (Item World only)
    0386 = Dark Cannon = Unique: Summons a turret. (Becomes an NPC from the next turn)
    0387 = Bonus Change = Unique: Change score bonus. (Item World only)
    0388 = Nothing, crash, there is no 0388.
    0389 = Geo Blast = Unique: Destroy selected Geo Block. (Random Dungeon only)
    038A = Geo Warp = Unique: Warp to select area. (Random Dungeon only)
    038F = Magichange = Turn into a weapon and fight. (Only lasts for a few turns)
    Magic Knight
    039C = Fire Charge = Unique: Strengthens Fire element. (Lasts 3 turns)
    039D = Wind Charge = Unique: Strengthens Wind element. (Lasts 3 turns)
    039E = Ice Charge = Unique: Strengthens Ice element. (Lasts 3 turns)
    039F = Anti-Fire = Unique: Weakens Fire element. (Lasts 3 turns)
    03A0 = Anti-Wind = Unique: Weakens Wind element. (Lasts 3 turns)
    03A1 = Anti-Ice = Unique: Weakens Ice element. (Lasts 3 turns)
    03A3 = Create Box = Unique: Create a wooden box.
    03A4 = Create Barrel = Unique: Create a barrel.
    Beast Tamer
    03AD = Wild Groom = Unique: Increase monster's EXP/Mana by 50%. (Lasts 3 turns)
    03AE = Dominate = Unique: Power up target monster. (Lasts 3 turns)
    03B7 = Tower Swing = Tower: ATK Under firece training for the netherlympics.
    03B8 = Tower Roller = Tower: ATK If you can do this, everyone will be your best friend.
    03B9 = Tower Bridge = Tower: ATK This is an art form! (Requires a Tower of more than 6)
    03F3 = Blast Finger = Unique: ATK Concentrate your hatred-power, and bash on! (Star)
    03F4 = Shine Beam = Unique: ATK Horrify the enemy with harmful rays of light. (Star)
    03F5 = Vasa Aergun = Unique: ATK This is my worst, ultimate greatest skill! (Star)
    03FD = Spinning Swordance = Unique: ATK It's best if you twirl it a little and then stab.
    03FE = Running Crosses = Unique: ATK Sorry. I sliced you before you were able to blink.
    03FF = Help Me Goddess = Unique: ATK Looks like someone angered the goddess...
    0407 = D-Rule 1: Morality = Unique: INT Allow me to slap some bad common sense into you!
    0408 = D-Rule 2: Volunteer = Unique: INT I'll volunteer to throw away recuclable goods!
    0409 = D-Rule 3: EcoFriend = Unique: INT I'm picky about environmental issues! (Paralyze)
    040A = Crash, don't bother with this, I didn't miss it, there is no 040A
    040B = Imperial Cross = Magichange: ATK A sword skill that'll tickle your good conscience.
    040C = Delta Extreme = Magichange: INT Fire that can simply burn away industrial waste.
    Mr. Champloo
    0411 = Shredder Kick = Unique: ATK Not need for knives, all you need is my kick! Boom!
    0412 = Chef's Special = Unique: ATK Hahahaha! Bring out the super spicy flavor! Boom!
    0413 = Flaming Stir-fry = Unique: ATK I am quite the spiritied teacher! Boom! (Fire)
    041B = Virgin Innocence = Unique: ATK Punish those who harm a girl's innocent heart. (Water) <---This actually has the ice icon, not my mistake, developers probably meant ice.
    041C = Shunpu Moondance = Unique: ATK Where did you catch that dog?
    041D = Legend White = Unique: RES The ultimate form of healing! (HP/Ailment recovery)
    Super Hero Aurum
    0425 = Demon Slayer X = Unique: INT Super Hero Aurum's final move in the comics. (Star)
    Super Hero Aurum = Evil God
    042F = Demon Slayer = Unique: ATK Super Hero Aurum's final move in the anime.
    Master Bigster
    0439 = Rosen Stars = Unique: ATK Hahaha Come on, try and catch me
    0443 = The Great Gun King = Unique: ATK An amazing skill. Don't worry about the crisscrosses.
    Kyoku Needleworker
    044D = Lily Elegy = Unique: ATK Who crochets these days anyway...?
    Asuka Cranekick
    0457 = Crane Dance = Unique: ATK With a faint curse on a paper crane...
    Overlord's Middle Finger In Chapter 4 - Psycho Room = 4BB
    04BB = Overlord Fire Palm = Unique: INT A super move, also known as the Century Killer. (Fire)
    0641 = Blazing Knuckle = Unique: ATK Charges into enemies. (Fire)
    0642 = Overlord Wrath = Unique: ATK Unsurmountable power of the Overlord.
    0643 = Meteor Impact = Unique: ATK Earth-shaking impact of a meteor.
    064B = Prinny Raid = Unique: ATK Prinny carpet-bombing.
    064C = Sexy Beam = Unique: ATK It's powerful, but... is it sexy?
    064D = Chaos Impact = Unique: ATK Would you like your enemies charcoaled?
    0655 = Holy Arrows = Unique: INT It's the power of love, but it'll hurt the enemy.
    0656 = Power of Love = Unique: RES Repulsive for demons. Love recovers HP and ailments.
    0657 = Flonne zilla = Inuqie: INT Space monster Flonne attacks!
    065F = Shocking Soul = Unique: ATK Electrifying excitement! The dark hero is on stage!
    0660 = My Heart Shakes = Unique: ATK The King of Rock electrifies all!
    0661 = Love Dynamite = Unique: ATK A historic event of a life time!
    0669 = Putty Danger = Unique: INT You're so different now, Marona...
    066A = Confine = Unique: INT Where, oh where is that pure and innocent girl...?
    066B = Marona Skill 3 = Unique: INT Marona's 3rd Skill.
    0673 = Cameo Star = Unique: HIT Has she accepted her role as Side Character Queen?
    0674 = Magic Shot = Unique: HIT Dreaming of one day becoming a Main Character. (Star)
    Prism Red
    067D = Swift Justice = Unique: ATK At least act like it hurt. That's etiquette.
    0681 = Prism Justice = Magichange: ATK The rule is to scream, "Ahh! I'm beat!"
    Tyrant Baal
    06C3 = Enigma Crisis = Unique: ARK An unprecedented danger has arrived!
    07DB = Slimy Headbutt = Unique: ATK A slimy martial arts move. The headbutt. (Poison)
    07DC = Slime Cheer = Unique: ATK Do it! Lift the coach up high!
    07DD = King Mixer = Unique: ATK How would you like some nutritious juice? (Deprave)
    07DE = Jelly Fight = Unique: ATK Rock, paper, scissors! I'm always the winner
    07DF = Bendy Sword = Magichange: ATK A soft sword! ...Does it work?
    07E0 = SlimeAura Sword = Magichange: ATK Slimes can work hard to release an aura! (Poison)
    07E5 = Flying V-Strike = Unique: ATK The Orcs' gentlemanly way of punching. (Forget)
    07E6 = Mistake Eraser = Unique: ATK The Orcs' elegantly calculated attack.
    07E7 = Orc Throw = Unique: ATK The Orcs' ritual of adulthood. (Forget)
    07E8 = Orc God's Descent = Unique: ATK The Orcs' God will give a petite appearance.
    07E9 = Porkchop Special = Magichange: ATK Today's recommended menu, presented by Orcmeril.
    07EA = GoldAxe SilverAxe = Magichange: ATK A good lesson taught by the Orcs.
    Moth Demon
    07EF = Hell's Cocoon = Unique: ATK Watch this bug create an unorganized cocoon. (Sleep)
    07F0 = Nightmare Hug = Unique: ATK That's right! Hug me tighter! (Paralyze)
    07F1 = Pulsating Sonics = Unique: ATK Ultrasonic waves will massage your muscles. (Forget)
    07F2 = Spinning Butterfly = Unique: ATK Spinning dive of death. I'm sure it hurts, too.
    07F3 = Mothman Pachinko = Magichange: ATK HIT One man, double role, full on attack.
    07F4 = Mothman Go = Magichange: ATK HIT Ah, this is the man's dream.
    Mushroom Demon
    07F9 = Spore Dance = Unique: ATK A gift of aromatic spores, from me to you. (Sleep)
    07FA = Erynger Punch = Unique: ATK A playful Eryngi suggested this idea. Drink up.
    07FB = Classic Mushroom = Unique: ATK A classic dish in netherworld home cooking. (Forget)
    07FC = Mushroom Harvest = Unique: ATK An important event for a mushroom. (Poison Paralyze)
    07FD = Piston Lancer = Magichange: ATK Let us beat down on every man's tear! (Deprave)
    07FE = Mushroom Mountain = Magichange: ATK An enjoyable platter for mushroom lovers!
    0803 = Bite Catcher = Unique: INT Yes, you'll be eaten in one bite.
    0804 = Spirit Ignition = Unique: INT Occult powers cause spontaneous combustion. (Fire)
    0805 = Pixie Prank = Unique: Possessed by a trickster ghost. (Poison Deprave)
    0806 = Polter Geist = Unique: INT Rumor goes, the staff disappears one by one...
    0807 = Ball Cast = Magichange: INT Spinning more than usual! (Forget)
    0808 = Pressure Bomb = Magichange: INT There's kindness, which alleviates some pressure.
    Cat Demon
    080D = Cat Kick Teaser = Unique: ATK I want you to see how cute I am. Meow.
    080E = Fish Swing = Unique: ATK I'll attack with tonight's dinner. Meow.
    080F = Chasing Fishy = Unique: ATK I have to chase after tomorrow's dinner now. Meow.
    0810 = Bell Volcano = Unique: ATK See? See? Aren't I amazing? Meow.
    0811 = Screw Blaw = Magichange: ATK SPD A super move taught by an admired super man.
    0812 = Full On Kitty = Magichange: ATK SPD Is this even a skill...?
    Prinny God = Level 6 Prinny
    0817 = Prillin Bomb = Unique: ATK Obviously not the right way to use it...
    0818 = Priver Dance = Unique: ATK Tubs are always funny. (Poison, Paralyze, Forget)
    0819 = Prinny Forever = Unique: ATK I will never forget you existed...! (Fire)
    081A = Pringer Beam = Unique: ATK Finishing move of the legendary Pringer X. (Star)
    081B = Panic Laser = Magichange: SPD HIT He's a little shy. May or may not appear. (Forget)
    081C = Prinnical Shock = Magichange: SPD HIT This is the cry of a Prinny's soul! (Star)
    0821 = Removable Skull = Unique: ATK Arh grh mrgh... My dentures(?)... (Poison)
    0822 = Zombie Tornado = Unique: ATK This tornado kinda smells like zombie. (Wind)
    0823 = Zombie Party! = Unique: ATK Woo! Cheers! (Poison)
    0824 = Zombie Rocket = Unique: ATK It is important to know your position.
    0825 = Sacrifice Beam = Magichange: SPD HIT Mom...!
    0826 = Dead or Dead = Magichange: SPD HIT Death, or death... There's no choice! (Poison)
    082B = Dancing Knife = Unique: ATK This is indeed a circus-trained masterpiece.
    082C = Spark Sphere = Unique: ATK Caution. vigorous fireworks will burn you, too.
    082D = Demon Magic = Unique: ATK Danger. Do not try this at home. 'Kay?
    082E = Miracle Gimmick = Unique: ATK Even the misters and princesses will be surprised!
    082F = Optical Sight = Magichange: ATK HIT Hoping that one day, everyone can shoot eye beams.
    0830 = Puppet Bow = Magichange: ATK HIT Everyone's putting their bodies forward!
    Plant Demon
    0835 = Feast Slasher = Unique: ATK Food over scenery, eh?
    0836 = Spiral Needle = Unique: ATK Spin and strike! That's all! (Poison)
    0837 = Petal Storm = Unique: ATK A refreshing arome of sweat. For crazy people. (Wind)
    0838 = Flower Hazard = Unique: ATK That's a crazy attack range!
    0839 = Deadly Prickle = Magichange: ATK Bloom, bloom, oh flower of death. (Poison)
    083A = Blooming Spears = Magichange: ATK It's a super move for the audience. (Sleep)
    Water Dragon
    083F = Licky Bounce = Unique: INT Stop playing with your food! (Paralyze)
    0840 = Electric Killer = Unique: INT The tingle will soon become pleasure... (Paralyze)
    0841 = Shock Arrow = Unique: INT Netherworld eco-friendly power generation. (Paralyze)
    0842 = Rolling Bowling = Unique: INT Come on. Please let this be a strike...! (Paralyze)
    0843 = Dual Moon Wheel = Magichange: INT Please accept this numbing tingle. (Paralyze)
    0844 = Thunder Dance = Magichange: INT Is this a dance? Or standup comedy. (Paralyze)
    Chicken Demon
    0849 = Chicken Breath = Unique: ATK Smells like chicken soup. (Paralyze)
    084A = Super Egg = Unique: ATK There's a marshmallow chick inside. (Fire)
    084B = City Dragger = Unique: ATK Punishment declared by the magistrate. (Forget)
    084C = Cock-a-Drill = Unique: ATK They used to call me the greatest digger. (Deprave)
    084D = Special Egg Crack = Magichange: ATK But even I can crack an egg! (Paralyze)
    084E = Season's Hesitance = Magichange: ATK Hesitate... Then, the journey begins. (Deprave)
    Grim Reaper
    0853 = Hug Me Headless = Unique: ATK Put some love into beheading!
    0854 = Remote Trail = Unique: INT One of the techniques to elegant soul-hunting.
    0855 = Dark Pit = Unique: INT Drag someone into a bottomless pit. (Deprave)
    0856 = Unknown World = Unique: INT There are still, many strange worlds in this universe.
    0857 = Death Spinner = Magichange: ATK You can replace your Magic Bullet with this!
    0858 = Nightmare Gate = Magichange: INT Sweet dreams for you tonight... (Star)
    Hell Hound
    085D = Charging Horns = Unique: ATK This is absolutely, honestly, painful!
    085E = Splicer Storm = Unique: ATK With a nice breeze, comes a sharp stab. (Wind)
    085F = Death Fang = Unique: ATK Try playing with animals sometimes!
    0860 = Thousand Wolves = Unique: ATK Lone wolf? What a blatant lie...
    0861 = Wheelie Blades = Magichange: ATK Apparently, you won't get as dizzy. (Wind)
    0862 = Woofie Zoo = Magichange: ATK Everyone, gather here!
    Holy Dragon
    0867 = Gold Feather = Unique: INT The best down comforter even. (Ice Sleep)
    0868 = Feather Rain = Unique: INT Even though they're only feathers, they still hurt.
    0869 = Holy Flare = Unique: INT It seems you shouldn't anger this person. (Ice)
    086A = Prism Break = Unique: INT Do you actually know these tricks from birth? (Ice)
    086B = Sacred Shoot = Magichange: INT Freeze and destroy! The basics to combat! (Ice)
    086C = Centaur Arrow = Magichange: INT Finally! Doesn't it feel like that?
    0871 = Body Change = Unique: INT In the Human World, it's bad too bully the weak. <---Not my typo with "too"
    0872 = Bound Heart = Unique: INT Being too sexy is not good for your health. (Deprave)
    0873 = Tempting Break = Unique: INT There, there. That's, uh, too much service. (Deprave)
    0874 = Twin Attribute = Unique: INT Just because you're kinda cuty doesn't mean...
    0875 = Love & Destroy = Magichange: INT Alright! Come and bring it! (Deprave)
    0876 = Summon Vampire = Magichange: INT Want me to suck you dry?
    Skeleton Dragon
    087B = Smelly Breath = Unique: ATK How rude? Smelly breath... Whoa! That stinks!
    087C = Sucker Bite = Unique: ATK Chew carefully when eating.
    087D = Homing Grudge = Unique: ATK A lingering grudge. Very friendly to people.
    087E = Darkness Breath = Unique: ATK That's it. I knew you could do it. (Deprave)
    087F = Crusher Bones = Magichange: ATK Stew the bones to make a good soup base.
    0880 = Grudge Basher = Magichange: ATK A thousand swings with a bat. How tiring.
    Tree Monster
    0885 = Far Stretch = Unique: ATK See how flexible your opponent is.
    0886 = Angered Tree = Unique: ATK A refreshing skill of strength.
    0887 = Rush Hour = Unique: ATK Yes, traffic sucks. But we all knew that.
    0888 = Hugs Tonight = Unique: ATK It's his way of showing affection.
    0889 = Morphing Blow = Magichange: ATK SPD This is a rare swing! Right uppercut!
    088A = Summon Giant = Magichange: ATK SPD That's gigantic!
    Laser Cannon Arm Demon
    088F = Close Buster = Unique: ATK A relentless shot to the face from close range. (Star)
    0890 = Extinctor Cannon = Unique: ATK Whether you dsappear, is up to you. (Star)
    0891 = Genocide Saber = Unique: ATK Swing around a huge beam sabre. (Star)
    0892 = Destructo Launcher = Unique: ATK Uh, please don't destroy the Netherworld... (Star)
    0893 = Launcher Punch = Magichange: SPD HIT This is not a rocket.
    0894 = Manual Barrel = Magichange: SPD HIT The result of two people's love and effort. (Star)
    Fire Demon
    0899 = Demonic Flame = Unique: ATK Evade this passionate hug. (Fire)
    089A = Fire Blast = Unique: ATK It's different from those other world's spells. (Fire)
    089B = Chaotic Flare = Unique: ATK A dance of angered flames? Sounds about right. (Fire)
    089C = Fires of Megiddo = Unique: ATK A secret weapon for the final battle with God. (Fire)
    089D = Burning Fever = Magichange: ATK Where is my doctor-prescribed cowbell?. (Fire)
    089E = Flare Circle = Magichange: ATK Two hearts on fire is the same as one. (Fire)

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