I couldn't get this game running without the partial fix dron_3 posted nor without the other chunk of the fix dc3 posted. Thank you both.
Invincible From Melee Attacks
0 007E7084 48000040
SET OGP=4182004030BF0FA0
SET COP=4800004030BF0FA0
These 3 can't be grabbed codes should combine to protect you from almost every enemy in the game. I used xtatu's code for zombies to find these 3. I didn't see any side effects with my codes compared to what xtatu found, turn them on and play without problems.
Can't Be Grabbed By Zombies
0 004720E0 480008E0
SET OGP=418208E0807F004C
SET COP=480008E0807F004C
This will also protect you from them while crawling or other special moments.
Can't Be Grabbed By Dogs
0 004AB55C 480000D8
SET OGP=809F004C2C040000418200D8
SET COP=809F004C2C040000480000D8
L3 + X To Toggle To Disable Many Grabs
0 01440948 F821FFF1
0 0144094C F8610000
0 01440950 7C0802A6
0 01440954 F8010008
0 01440958 3C6001DE
0 0144095C 886303C0
0 01440960 2F830000
0 01440964 E8610000
0 01440968 409E000C
0 0144096C F821FF81
0 01440970 4863EA47
0 01440974 E8010008
0 01440978 7C0803A6
0 0144097C 38210010
0 01440980 4E800020
0 0063EA40 4944094A
0 01440910 3C8001DE
0 01440914 A0C403C2
0 01440918 A0E3015E
0 0144091C 70E74002
0 01440920 7F873040
0 01440924 B0E403C2
0 01440928 419E0018
0 0144092C 2F874002
0 01440930 409E0010
0 01440934 88C403C0
0 01440938 68C60001
0 0144093C 98C403C0
0 01440940 39600000
0 01440944 490801B2
0 010801AC 49440912
SET OGP=41CAF8A10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
SET COP=41CAF8A100000000000000003C8001DEA0C403C2A0E3015E70E740027F873040B0E403C2419E00182F874002409E00 1088C403C068C6000198C403C039600000490801B249440912F821FFF1F86100007C08 02A6F80100083C6001DE886303C02F830000E8610000409E000CF821FF814863EA47E8 0100087C0803A6382100104E800020
SET OGP=F821FF817C0802A6F8010090FBC10070FBE10078607E0000609F00004BFFFF0D
SET COP=4944094A7C0802A6F8010090FBC10070FBE10078607E0000609F00004BFFFF0D
SET OGP=396000003C800000
SET COP=494409123C800000
0001 = Select
0002 = L3
0004 = R3
0008 = Start
0010 = Up
0020 = Right
0040 = Down
0080 = Left
0100 = L1
0200 = R1
0400 = L2
0800 = R2
1000 = Triangle
2000 = O
4000 = X
8000 = []
Brightness Modifier
0 000DA12C ????????
0 00D78F94 C043020C
SET OGP=60000000000000002F8000003F8000003F000000
SET COP=????????000000002F8000003F8000003F000000
SET OGP=D03D0004C0430000
SET COP=D03D0004C043020C
Action Bar Timer Thing Doesn't Decrease
0 000D4900 60000000
0 000D4DEC 60000000
SET OGP=388447DCC3E40004EFBFE824EFBD0072EC22E82AFC01F800D03E003C
SET COP=388447DCC3E40004EFBFE824EFBD0072EC22E82AFC01F80060000000
SET OGP=38844CD0C3E40004EFBFE824EFBD0072EC22E82AFC01F800D03E003C
SET COP=38844CD0C3E40004EFBFE824EFBD0072EC22E82AFC01F80060000000
Action Bar Meter Instantly Full From Any Joystick Movement
0 000D49E4 C03E002C
0 000D4ED4 C03E002C
SET OGP=4182000CEC21282A
SET COP=4182000CC03E002C
SET OGP=EC6300B2EC21182A
SET COP=EC6300B2C03E002C
That 2nd line was likely for the button mashing parts where you press X as fast as you can. I couldn't remember, but if it is then you only need to press X once to complete one of those button masher parts.
Automatically Open Doors, Execute Counters, Pickup Items
0 000D6350 38600001
SET OGP=63A500004BFFD8D1
SET COP=63A5000038600001
Automatically Execute Counters
0 000D3CC8 49404526
0 01404524 2F9E0200
0 01404528 409E0014
0 0140452C 38600200
0 01404530 4800000C
0 0140453C 889D0008
0 01404540 480D3CCE
SET OGP=7C831838889D0008
SET COP=7C83183849404526
SET OGP=000000000000000000000000000000002C0000010009000B0000000000000000
SET COP=2F9E0200409E0014386002004800000C2C0000010009000B889D0008480D3CCE
Automatically Do Things That Aren't Team Things
0 000D3CCC 494044A2
0 014044A0 2F9E2000
0 014044A4 419E0014
0 014044A8 63C30000
0 014044AC 4800000C
0 014044B8 2C040000
0 014044BC 480D3CD2
SET OGP=7C831838889D00082C040000
SET COP=7C831838889D0008494044A2
SET OGP=01704D8C000000000000000000000000000000002C000001000900020000000000 000000
SET COP=01704D8C2F9E2000419E001463C300004800000C2C000001000900022C040000480D3CD2
I set it this way because otherwise it will constantly enter into and exit out of team actions by pressing O nonstop.
Automatically Pick Up Items
0 000D3CF8 494044FA
0 014044F8 2F9E8000
0 014044FC 409E0014
0 01404500 38608000
0 01404504 4800000C
0 01404510 7C63F038
0 01404514 480D3CFE
SET OGP=480000147C63F038
SET COP=48000014494044FA
SET OGP=000000000000000000000000000000002C000001000900120000000000000000
SET COP=2F9E8000409E0014386080004800000C2C000001000900127C63F038480D3CFE
Automatically Interact With Some Things
0 000D6368 38600001
SET OGP=63A500004BFFF11D
SET COP=63A5000038600001
It's for things like jumping over something and likely more.
Automatically Dodge Crate On Plane While Climbing
0 000D6398 38600001
SET OGP=63A500004BFFEC81
SET COP=63A5000038600001
If this is on you can't lose the part where you climb on the airplane.
Automatically Complete Grab Button Mashers
0 000D63B4 38600001
SET OGP=38C000004BFFE935
SET COP=38C0000038600001
Automatically Complete Button Mashers
0 000D63D0 38600001
SET OGP=38C000004BFFE7B1
SET COP=38C0000038600001
Automatically Complete Grab Joystick Movers
0 000D63EC 38600001
SET OGP=38C000004BFFE405
SET COP=38C0000038600001
Automatically Turn Cranks
0 000D6408 38600001
SET OGP=38C000004BFFE0E9
SET COP=38C0000038600001
Automatically Avoided Train, Ducked While In Cart, Some Attack On Deborah
0 000D6440 38600001
SET COP=38C0000038600001
Automatically Do Rotating Wheel Timed Button Pressed
0 000D6478 38600001
SET OGP=38C000004BFFD8D1
SET COP=38C0000038600001
Automatically Complete Grab Timed Button Presses Perfectly
0 000D4208 38600001
0 000D423C 48000008
SET OGP=408200D8807E000CC03E003CD0230068807E000C808300242C04000C2C84001340 820084C03E003CC05E0040FC0110004CC1138241860008
SET COP=38600001807E000CC03E003CD0230068807E000C808300242C04000C2C84001340820084C03E00 3CC05E0040FC0110004CC1138248000008
0 0004F920 3F800000 <---Limb sizes, camera height
0 000D9F20 3F800000 <---Things become darker, slower movement speed
Oxygen Never Decreases
0 007652EC C03F3064
SET OGP=3C800076EC25082A
SET COP=3C800076C03F3064
Time Always 0
0 00B71098 90830000
SET OGP=30631B3C78630020D0430000
SET COP=30631B3C7863002090830000
Max Many Things
0 00B710EC 60000000
SET OGP=7C8430147C0428404081000C
SET COP=7C8430147C04284060000000
This affects accuracy, how many times you've been grabbed, and many things. This also affects how times you are killed. Unless you use the next code with this, any time you die you will die 50,000 times.
Enemies Killed Increment
0 0017C2F4 3084????
SET OGP=80830A3430840001
SET COP=80830A343084????
The existing code that affects how enemies you have killed is visual only, it doesn't affect the actual count. This is the actual count.
0 Deaths
0 00B710F8 4940436E
0 0140436C 7C0802A6
0 01404370 3CA00002
0 01404374 60A5ACE0
0 01404378 48000020
0 01404398 7F850040
0 0140439C 409E0008
0 014043A0 38800000
0 014043A4 48000020
0 014043C4 B0830000
0 014043C8 48B710FE
SET OGP=6084C350B0830000
SET COP=6084C3504940436E
SET OGP=000000000000000000000000000000002C00000100090008000000000000000001 4038F001403E14017049A8000000000000000000000000000000002C00000100090011 00000000000000000140390001403E34017049C80000000000000000
SET COP=7C0802A63CA0000260A5ACE0480000202C000001000900080000000000000000014038F001403E14017049A87F850040409E000838800000480000202C0000010009001100000000000000000140390001403E34017049C8B083000048B710FE
The existing code that affects how many time you have been killed is visual only, it doesn't affect the actual count. This is the actual count.
Buying Skills Doesn't Decrease Skill Points
0 006F2DC8 60000000
0 006F3110 60000000
SET OGP=7C632810907F04E8
SET COP=7C63281060000000
SET OGP=7C63E810907F04E8
SET COP=7C63E81060000000
Using The Last Of Something Doesn't Remove It
0 00B7F240 49404316
0 01404314 7C0802A6
0 01404318 3C800072
0 0140431C 6084A320
0 01404320 48000020
0 01404340 7F840040
0 01404344 4C9E0020
0 01404348 F821FF81
0 0140434C 48B7F246
SET OGP=7C831B787C6307B44E800020F821FF81
SET COP=7C831B787C6307B44E80002049404316
SET OGP=000000000000000000000000000000002C00000100090010000000000000000001 4038D401403DB801704FE000000000000000000000000000000000
SET COP=7C0802A63C8000726084A320480000202C000001000900100000000000000000014038D401403DB801704FE07F8400404C9E0020F821FF8148B7F246
Discarding items of any kind still discards them in case you really don't want them.
or lr = 0076F794
Records Weapon Max Enemies Killed
0 00C81270 60C50000
SET OGP=30A50A8478A5002080A500007C05304040800030
SET COP=30A50A8478A5002080A500007C05304060C50000
Records Weapon Max Shots Fired/Used
0 00C812E4 60000000
SET OGP=7CA628147C0538404180000C
SET COP=7CA628147C05384060000000
Records Weapon Max Shots That Hit
0 00C81410 60E60000
SET OGP=7C06384040800030
SET COP=7C06384060E60000
Involved in accuracy, but I think the accuracy calculation thing might be strangely broken.
Records Weapon Max Head Shots
0 00C814CC 60C50000
SET OGP=30A50A8C78A5002080A500007C05304040800030
SET COP=30A50A8C78A5002080A500007C05304060C50000
Records Weapon Max Reloads
0 00C8153C 60C50000
SET OGP=30A50A9078A5002080A500007C05304040800030
SET COP=30A50A9078A5002080A500007C05304060C50000
Records Weapon Max Quick Shots
0 00C815AC 60C50000
SET OGP=30A50A9478A5002080A500007C05304040800030
SET COP=30A50A9478A5002080A500007C05304060C50000
Records Enemy Type Killed
0 00C81658 60C50000
SET OGP=30A5131878A5002080A500007C05304040800024
SET COP=30A5131878A5002080A500007C05304060C50000
Records 0 Times Killed By Enemy Type
0 00C816B0 38A0FFFF
SET OGP=30A5131C78A5002080A500007C05304040800024
SET COP=30A5131C78A5002080A500007C05304038A0FFFF
0 00B2FE74 4800002C
SET OGP=FC0308004CC113824186002C
SET COP=FC0308004CC113824800002C
I don't remember what this was anymore. Could have been some worthless visual only timer for something, I don't remember.
Mercenaries Enemies Defeated Increment
0 0017C2F4 3084????
SET OGP=80830A3430840001
SET COP=80830A343084????
Mercenaries Combo Counter
0 00168928 30A5????
SET OGP=80A7000030A50001
SET COP=80A7000030A5????
Mercenaries Combo Doesn't Break From The Timer
0 0016761C 60000000
SET OGP=30E3405478A5002090C40000
SET COP=30E3405478A5002060000000
Mercenaries Combo Timer Never Decreases
0 00167F74 60000000
SET OGP=FC20F090D03A0000
SET COP=FC20F09060000000
Mercenaries Bonus Timer Never Decreases
0 001675BC 60000000
SET OGP=FC20F890D03F0000
SET COP=FC20F89060000000
Mercenaries Bonus Combo Increment
0 00168598 30A5????
SET OGP=7884002080A4000030A50001
SET COP=7884002080A4000030A5????
Jet Timer Doesn't Decrease
0 00B2FDA0 60000000
SET OGP=EC21F828D0230000
SET COP=EC21F82860000000
I found this on the last level for Chris's story just after you use the jet to shoot at the ship.
Disable Blades
SET OGP=4BEC535D38600000907F001CE80100907C0803A6EBE100 78382100804E800020000000003F800000F821FF71
SET COP=4BEC535D38600000907F001CE80100907C0803A6EBE100 78382100804E800020000000003F8000004E800020
In the beginning of chapter 3 with Leon + Helena, you will need to crawl underneath plades to continue. This will disable the blades, and is not fully tested so I am not sure of what else it might affect.