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    Extra options

    When you start a new game or load an existing game while your memory card has a "theater save" (same as a clear game save), you'll gain two more options during gameplay. With "wandering hands", sometimes you'll see a hand icon onscreen. You can interact with the characters with this icon, and they'll have different reactions, based on where you touched them. With "read others' thoughts", a love arrow will now be able to read the thoughts of other characters, not just Lina. Those thoughts will appear in a grey box.

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    Theater Mode

    Complete the game once, and you will be prompted to make a "theater save", which is the same as a clear save. Reset the game, and you'll gain access to Theater Mode, which was blanked out in the main menu before. This mode will play all cutscenes in order (like a movie), so you don't need to push any buttons. The only way to get out of this mode is to reset the console.

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