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Thread Title: Adventures of Cookie & Cream

  1. #1
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    Default Adventures of Cookie & Cream

    Desert World

    The boss is a giant totem pole- he has 2 techniques. First he burrows and pops up and then he also hops high and shoots lasers in the last level. Cookie must hit the layers off the totem pole with the hammer. You must hit him when he is stationary or is hopping in one place.

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    Default Adventures of Cookie & Cream

    Jungle World

    Cream lures the boss over and cookie jumps on buttons and the logs hit the boss. Lure the boss to one side so cookie doesn't have to worry about switching sides.

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    Default Adventures of Cookie & Cream

    Music World

    You must beat the boss by continuously hitting the keys where his arms are until the arm moves. Then hit the new key. After doing that so many times it will rotate losing an arm each time. If you miss a key or hit the wrong key his arms will slam down and try to get you.

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  5. #4
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    Default Adventures of Cookie & Cream

    Water World

    This boss is a giant fish. Cookie drives a boat and Cream follows in the inter tube. Cookie must steer Cream to get bombs so that when the fish is near by and above the water Cream can throw the bombs at the fish boss. Make sure you get the times.

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  6. #5
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    Default Adventures of Cookie & Cream

    Winter World

    The boss is a giant polar bear. You are in a shell rock thing. If it comes off stand on the button until another one falls on you. You have to hit the piece of rock back and forth and hit the polar bear each time. Every time he roars penguins will drop 1 on each side. If you have the rock on your side hit the penguin with that. Otherwise just run into it. You have to get a new rock shell though.

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