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Thread Title: Zuma Deluxe

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    Default Zuma Deluxe

    Control level background

    In level 13-1 (space), press S to stop the stars from moving.

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    Default Zuma Deluxe

    Control main menu

    Click the frog in the lower left corner of the main menu screen. The frog's eyes will follow the cursor until he is clicked again.

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  4. #3
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    Default Zuma Deluxe

    Easier levels

    Create a backup copy of the file before proceeding. Use a text editor to edit the "levels.xml" file in the "\zuma deluxe!\levels" folder. Scroll down about halfway until you see the following line:

    "lvl11" means level 1-1. If you want to slow down the speed of the balls for this level, change the speed value from "0.5" to "0.2". If you are stuck on a higher level (for example, level 12-7), go down a few more lines to where "lvl127" appears, then change its speed value to "0.2". Note: Do not confuse the "lvl11" line above with the "level11" line in the same file.

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  5. #4
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    Default Zuma Deluxe

    Level select

    Create a backup copy of the file before proceeding. Use a text editor to edit the "levels.xml" file in the "\zuma deluxe!\levels" folder. Scroll down near the bottom until you see the following line:

    stage1 = "spiral,claw,riverbed,targetglyph,blackswirley"

    diffi1 = "lvl11,lvl12,lvl13,lvl14,lvl15",etc...

    Change the level name to your choice. For example, to change Dark Vortex, Level 1-5, to Spiral of Doom, change "blackswirley" to "spiral". To find out what name corresponds to what level, look in "cached_thumbnails" in the same folder and switch to filmstrip view in Windows Explorer, in "Views" on the top, by "Folders". It will show a large picture at the top and thumbnails at the bottom.

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  6. #5
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    Default Zuma Deluxe


    Move the mouse pointer over the following options (in order) at the main menu: "Adventure", "Gauntlet", "Options", "More Games", "Quit", "Adventure", "Gauntlet", "Options", "More Games", "Quit", "Adventure", "Gauntlet", "Options", "More Games", "Quit".

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  7. #6
    otocu Unregistered Vgcheater

    Default Zuma Deluxe

    Lol so old game but thanks its usefull.

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