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Thread Title: Final Doom

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    Default Final Doom

    Cheat Codes

    While playing, type any of these codes in.

    IDDQD - God mode
    IDBEHOLDx - Gain temporary ability. x can be I=invisibility, R=radiation suit, S=berserk, A=auto map, V=invulnerability, L=light amps
    IDFA - All weapons and ammo
    IDKFA - All weapons, ammo and keys
    IDCLIP - Walk through walls (toggle)
    IDCLEV## - Warp to level ##
    IDMUS## - Change background music to track ##
    IDMYPOS - Display location
    IDCHOPPERS - Get a chainsaw

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    Default Final Doom


    Former Soldiers: They resemble your old friends, but now they just fire pistols at you. They drop clips for the chaingun and pistol when killed.

    Former Sergeants: Meaner and tougher. They carry shotguns and do more damage then soldiers. They drop shotguns when killed.

    Imp: This creature throws fireballs and takes more bullets to kill.

    Demon: Appear in most areas and can rip your head off if you are not careful. If you see more of them, use the chaingun.

    Cacodemon: These creatures are ugly and have one big mouth. If they see you, they will fire lightning balls from their mouth. Use your rockets.

    Mancubus: You have to use more then a chaingun to kill them. Use ammo with caution.

    Arachnotron: Fires plasma energy at you. Use your rifle.

    Spider Demon: The ultimate enemy. Has a super chaingun mounted on her body. Use your plasma rifle or rocket launcher.

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  4. #3
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    Default Final Doom

    Level Select

    Enter During Game Play: idclev

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    Find free Unofficial Cheats, Tips, Codes, Passwords, Hints, Secrets, Game Shark, and Game Genie codes And much more including Cheat Engine Tables here at Video Game Cheats.

  5. #4
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    Default Final Doom

    View network opponent location

    Hold [Alt] and type iddtiddtiddtiddt at the map screen.

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    Find free Unofficial Cheats, Tips, Codes, Passwords, Hints, Secrets, Game Shark, and Game Genie codes And much more including Cheat Engine Tables here at Video Game Cheats.

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