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Thread Title: Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six

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  1. #1
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    Default Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six

    Cheat Codes

    TEAMGOD = Team God Mode
    AVATARGOD = Player God Mode
    STUMPY = Stumpy Mode On
    CLODHOPPER = Enlarges Player's Feet and Hands
    MEGANOGGIN = Mega Head Mode
    BIGNOGGIN = Big Head Mode
    5FINGERDISCOUNT = Refill Ammo
    NOBRAINER = Turns AI Off
    DEBUGKEYS = Debug Keys Enabled
    TURNPUNCHKICK = Changes Players from 3D to 2D
    1-900 = Heavy Breathing
    EXPLORE = Victory Conditions On/Off

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  3. #2
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    Default Re: Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six

    Press Enter to bring up com window, then type the following codes:
    1-900 - heavy breathing
    fastactionresponseteam - excessive flatulence (observe third person for the real effect)
    silentbutdeadly - flatulence that can kill (be sure you don't have a team member behind you)

    To activate cheats, press ` while in the game and then type:
    teamgod - team god mode
    avatargod - player god mode
    stumpy - stumpy mode
    clodhopper - enlarges players feet and hands
    meganoggin - mega head mode
    bignoggin - big head mode
    5fingerdiscount - refill ammo
    nobrainer - turns AI off
    debugkeys - debug keys enabled
    turnpunchkick - changes players from 3D to 2D
    explore - victory conditions on/off

    Press Enter to bring up com window, then type the following codes:
    1-900 - heavy breathing
    fastactionresponseteam - excessive flatulence (observe third person for the real effect)
    silentbutdeadly - flatulence that can kill (be sure you don't have a team member behind you)

    To activate cheats, press ` while in the game and then type:
    teamgod - team god mode
    avatargod - player god mode
    stumpy - stumpy mode
    clodhopper - enlarges players feet and hands
    meganoggin - mega head mode
    bignoggin - big head mode
    5fingerdiscount - refill ammo
    nobrainer - turns AI off
    debugkeys - debug keys enabled
    turnpunchkick - changes players from 3D to 2D
    explore - victory conditions on/off

    0 Not allowed! Not allowed!

    Find free Unofficial Cheats, Tips, Codes, Passwords, Hints, Secrets, Game Shark, and Game Genie codes And much more including Cheat Engine Tables here at Video Game Cheats.

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Thread Title: Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six

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