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Thread Title: Damage Incorporated

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  1. #1
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    Default Damage Incorporated

    Cool Cheats

    While playing the game,hold[CTRL] and type one of the folloing cheats,if you typed the code correctly you will hear the sound of breaking glass:
    god mode [I havent done it yet.] {atheist}
    mission objectives complete {qed}
    mission skip {soia}
    have ten access codes [you can`t have over ten] {axes}
    have all gernades {horse}
    palls have all weapons [They allready have unlimuted ammo] {thrill}
    you have all weapons,ammo,full health [You don`t have full ammo] {aslag}
    area extraction zone {ext}
    one beserk pall [He dies on the next level] {hdcs}
    enemy(green)and items(white)on map {godeye}
    you have a flamthower {tozt}
    freezes eveyone exept you [If you burn someone they will be burnt in midair] {klatu}
    full armor {arm}
    full health {hell}
    unlimited oxygen [Even if you step out then in] {oxy}
    infrared vision [The walls are red the bad guys are blue,and acts as if there was a light too] {acid}
    This is the first half!

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    Default Re: Damage Incorporated

    Level Select

    At the main menu hold [ALT] and [CTRL], select"New", to display the level select sceen,note:The levels aren`t in order.

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  4. #3
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    Default Re: Damage Incorporated

    Suicide missions

    At the main menu, hold [Alt] + M.

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    Find free Unofficial Cheats, Tips, Codes, Passwords, Hints, Secrets, Game Shark, and Game Genie codes And much more including Cheat Engine Tables here at Video Game Cheats.

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