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Thread Title: Death To Spies

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  1. #1
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    Default Death To Spies

    Cheat mode

    Start the game with the -console command line parameter. Press ~ during game play to display the console window. Enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function. Note: The quotation marks are part of the code, the brackets are not.

    Effect Code
    Disable AI Cheat "disable ai"
    Disguised to the enemy Cheat "camouflage"
    God mode setv cl_superman 1
    Guards cannot see you Cheat "invisible"
    Level select OpenLevels
    Load game PL_RestorePos
    Save game PL_SavePos
    Silent movement Cheat "silence"
    Spawn indicated item L_CreateItem [item name]
    Unlimited ammunition setv c_noammo 1

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  3. #2
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    Adding video game cheat codes

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    Default Re: Death To Spies

    Item names

    Use one of the following entries with the L_CreateItem code.

    Item Code
    American Officer Gear Equipment.Wear:AmericanOfficer
    Bakal Equipment.Throw:Bakal
    Binoculars Equipment.Binocular
    British Cook Gear Equipment.Wear:BritishCook
    British Soldier Gear Equipment.Wear:BritishSoldier
    Chloroform weapon.Chloroform
    Colt weapon.Colt
    Custom Equipment.Custom
    DeLisle weapon.DeLisle
    Dynamite weapon.Dynamite
    Embassy Agent Gear II Equipment.Wear:EmbassyAgent_2
    Embassy Agent Gear Equipment.Wear:EmbassyAgent_1
    Embassy Outfit Equipment.Wear:EmbassyMan
    Embassy Soldier Outfit Equipment.Wear:EmbassyManSoldier
    Enfield Sniper Rifle weapon.EnfieldSniper
    Enfield weapon.Enfield
    F1 Grenade weapon.F1
    Fiber Wire weapon.FiberWire
    Foto Equipment.Foto
    Garand weapon.Garand
    German Doctor Gear Equipment.Wear:GermanDoctor
    German Grey Gear Equipment.Wear:GermanGrey
    German Yellow Outfit Equipment.Wear:GermanYellow
    Gewehr weapon.Gewehr
    Gkluch Equipment.Throw:GKluch
    Grafin Equipment.Throw:Grafin
    Hotel Guard Gear Equipment.Wear:HotelGuard
    Hotel Manager Gear Equipment.Wear:HotelManager
    Hotel Patron Gear Equipment.Wear:HotelMan01
    Hotel Waiter Gear Equipment.Wear:HotelWaiter
    Jacket Equipment.Wear:Jacket
    K98 Sniper Rifle weapon.K98Sniper
    K98 weapon.K98
    Knife Equipment.Throw:Knife
    Knife weapon.Knife
    Korchik Equipment.Throw:Korchik
    Krujka II Equipment.Throw:Krujka2
    Krujka Equipment.Throw:Krujka
    Lockpicks Equipment.Lockpick
    Lojka IV Equipment.Throw:Lojka4
    Loljka III Equipment.Throw:Lojka3
    Loljka II Equipment.Throw:Lojka2
    Loljka Equipment.Throw:Lojka1
    Luger weapon.Luger
    M1 Carbine weapon.M1Carbine
    M1903 Sniper Rifle weapon.M1903Sniper
    M1903 weapon.M1903
    MP40 weapon.Mp40
    Medikit Equipment.Medikit
    Molotov Cocktail Equipment.Throw:Molotok
    Mosin Camo weapon.MosinCamo
    Mosin Silencer weapon.MosinSilencer
    Mosin Sniper weapon.MosinSniper
    Mosin weapon.Mosin
    Nagan Silencer weapon.NaganSilencer
    Nagan weapon.Nagan
    Nazi Cook Gear Equipment.Wear:GermanCook
    Nazi Officer Gear II Equipment.Wear:GermanOfficer
    Nazi Officer Gear Equipment.Wear:GermanSoldier
    Nazi Officer Winter Gear Equipment.Wear:GermanWinterOfficer
    Nazi Winter Gear II Equipment.Wear:GermanWinterSoldier2
    Nazi Winter Gear Equipment.Wear:GermanWinterSoldier
    Otvertka Equipment.Throw:Otvertka
    Out of Order Sign Equipment.Throw:OutofOrder
    PMD6 weapon.Pmd6
    PMK40 weapon.Pmk40
    PPSH weapon.Ppsh
    PPS weapon.Pps
    Papers Equipment.Throw:Papers
    Posilka Elder Gear Equipment.Wear:PosilkaElder
    RGD33 Grenade weapon.Rgd33
    Rasplata Gear Equipment.Wear:RasplataDed
    SVT weapon.Svt
    Scientist Gear Equipment.Wear:Scientist
    Smoke Grenade weapon.Smoke
    Soviet Gear Equipment.Wear:Soviet
    Soviet Officer Gear Equipment.Wear:SovietOfficer
    Soviet Soldier Gear Equipment.Wear:SovietSoldier
    Sovok Equipment.Throw:Sovok
    Stakan Equipment.Throw:Stakan
    Standard Gear Equipment.Wear:Player
    Sten Silencer weapon.StenSilencer
    Sten weapon.Sten
    Stick Grenade weapon.GermanStick
    Suit Equipment.Wear:Suitman
    Summer Gear Equipment.Wear:Summer
    Svt. Sniper weapon.SvtSniper
    TT weapon.TT
    Tarelka III Equipment.Throw:Tarelka3
    Tarelka II Equipment.Throw:Tarelka2
    Tarelka IV Equipment.Throw:Tarelka4
    Tarelka VII Equipment.Throw:Tarelka7
    Tarelka VI Equipment.Throw:Tarelka6
    Tarelka V Equipment.Throw:Tarelka5
    Tarelka Equipment.Throw:Tarelka
    Thompson weapon.Thompson
    Vilka Equipment.Throw:Vilka
    Vodka Bottle Equipment.Throw:VBottle
    Walter weapon.Walter
    Winter Gear Equipment.Wear:Winter
    Wirecutters Equipment.Wirecut

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