Various Steam Achievements
Achievement How to unlock A Hundred and Ten Percent Buff 100 parts. A Jolt From the Blue Destroy 50 guns with Howitzer, Destroy 100 parts with Charged Rounds. Above The Fray Win 5 matches, Win 4 matches with fewer than 2 deaths. Ahead Full Win 8 CPs, Destroy 5 ships with ramming in CP. Air Legs Play 10 matches, Destroy 20 ships (crew), Shake 5 spots. Altitude Adjustment Spend 180 seconds using Hydrogen, Spend 90 seconds using Chute Vent. Arms Race Buff 50 parts, Buff 20 guns. At The Wheel Play 15 matches, Win 10 matches, Shake 10 spots. Ballooning Rebuild 10 balloons. Balls Of Fire Destroy 3 ships with Mortar, Destroy 50 parts with Incendiary Rounds. Bang Bang Fully repair 200 parts. Bang-Up Job Fully repair 100 parts with Mallet. Battle Ready Buff 100 parts (crew), Defend 20 points. Before The Mast Play 15 matches - Extinguish 50 fires - Spot 20 ships. Behind The Lines Win 10 matches with Squid, Capture 20 points with Squid. Better Than New Play 12 matches, Buff 30 parts, Fully repair 60 parts. Blaze Of Glory Play 30 matches, Set 1000 fires, Destroy 50 engines. Blood and Gunsmoke Destroy 20 balloons with Carronade, Destroy 50 ships with Lesmok Rounds. Breached Help rebuild 50 hull armor with 1 crewmate. Buoyed Spirits Win 20 DMs, Buff 50 balloons in DM. Burn All The Things Set 40 fires with Flamethrower, Set 80 fires with Incendiary Rounds. Burning Skies Extinguish 100 fires (crew), Set 100 fires (crew). Calamari Win 20 matches, Destroy 50 Squids (crew). Charting A Course Play 20 matches, Spend 180 seconds using Phoenix Claw, Destroy 40 ships (crew). Cleansing Fire Destroy 100 parts with Flamethrower. Containment Extinguish 30 fires with Chemical Spray. Cool Under Fire Win 3 matches, Rebuild 30 parts. Cruise Control Fully repair 25 parts with Mallet. Damage Control Fully repair 5 hull armor with Mallet, Extinguish 3 fires on hull with Extinguisher. Dead Stop Win 4 CPs, Destroy 10 engines in CP. Death Dealer Win 12 CPs, Play 6 CPs with more than 6 kills. Dog Watch Play 10 matches, Spot 20 ships, Repair 20 guns. Dogs With Bones Defend 20 points. Doom And Gloom Win 10 matches on Water Hazard, Shake spot 40 times on Water Hazard. Down But Not Out Play 20 matches with fewer than 2 deaths, Fully repair 100 balloons. Dowsed Extinguish 50 fires with Chemical Spray. Dust In The Wind Play 8 matches on Dunes, Destroy 6 ships with ramming on Dunes. Evasive Action Win 12 CPs, Win 6 CPs with fewer than 2 deaths. Fading Light Win 10 matches on Water Hazard, Fully repair 50 parts while unspotted on Water Hazard. Fan The Flames Set 10 fires. Fight Another Day Win 15 matches, Play 5 matches with 3 more kills than deaths. Fighting Fish Win 10 matches with Goldfish, Destroy 20 ships with Goldfish (crew). Fire Fighter Extinguish 20 fires with Extinguisher. Fire Suppression Win 8 DMs, Extinguish 50 fires on hull in DM. Fireproof Extinguish 20 fires on guns with Chemical Spray. Fish In A Barrel Win 10 matches, Destroy 20 hull armor on enemy Goldfish. Flagbearer Destroy 20 ships with a Flak (crew), Capture 30 points. Flak Attack Destroy 20 hull armor with Flak. Flight Training Spend 30 seconds using Phoenix Claw, Spend 30 seconds using Kerosene, Spend 30 seconds using Hydrogen. Flying Fish Win 10 matches, Fully repair 20 hull armor on Goldfish. Flying High Play 20 matches, Rebuild 50 hull armor, Buff 20 balloons. Flying Machines Buff 20 balloons, Extinguish 20 fires on balloon less than 10 seconds after they start. Focused Fire Spot 100 ships (crew), Destroy 50 spotted ships (crew). Forearmed Win 4 DMs, Buff 20 guns in DM. Forward Momentum Play 20 matches, Rebuild 40 engines, Extinguish 60 fires on hull. Found You Spot 20 ships at distance of >1000m, Destroy 10 ships inside a cloud. Give And Take Win 15 matches, Play 5 matches with 3 more kills than deaths. Gone Fishing Win 10 matches, Destroy 20 Goldfish (crew). Good Dog DM 4: Win 20 DMs, Destroy 50 parts with Carronade in DM (crew). Grit In Your Eye Play 8 matches on Dunes, Destroy 50 guns on Dunes. Gun Maintenance Fully repair 100 guns. Guns Blazing Extinguish 30 fires on guns. Hands Dirty Rebuild 50 parts. Hands On Rebuild 40 parts with Spanner. Have A Blast Destroy 20 parts with Burst Ammo. Helping Hand Help rebuild 40 parts with 1 crewmate. Hidden Treasure Win 10 matches with Junker, Shake 20 spots with Junker. Hit It With A Hammer Fully repair 50 parts with Mallet. Holding The Line Play 20 matches, Destroy 40 ships (crew), Defend 20 points. Hook, Line, And Sink 'Er Harpoon 20 ships. Hot Air Repair 80 balloons. Hot Stuff Destroy 100 parts with Incendiary Rounds. Inflammable Win 8 CPs, Set 100 fires to balloon in CP. Iron Clad Win 30 matches, Fully repair 50 hull armor on Junkers. Jerry-Rigged Rebuild 20 hull armor with Spanner, Fully repair 40 engines. Keep It Up Help rebuild 50 balloons with 1 crewmate. Keeping It Together Rebuild 50 hull armor with Spanner, Rebuild 50 parts less than 10 seconds after they are destroyed. Keeping The Heat On Win 3 matches, Destroy 50 parts. Kill Count Win 5 matches, Play 3 matches with 5 or more kills. Kill It With Fire Destroy 50 parts with Flamethrower (crew), Destroy 50 parts with Incendiary Rounds (crew). Kill Streak Win 15 matches, Play 5 matches with 3 more kills than deaths. Killing Me Softly Win 4 CPs, Destroy 30 parts in CP (crew). Kobayashi Win 8 DMs, Destroy 50 ships in DM (crew). Kraken Win 20 matches, Fully repair 50 hull armor on Squids. Leaf On The Wind Win 20 matches with <2 deaths, Shake 50 spots. Lend A Hand Help rebuild 40 parts with 1 crewmate. Little Helpers Help rebuild 50 parts with 1 crewmate. Locked On Target Spot 20 ships at a distance of more than 750m, Destroy 20 spotted ships. Lost In The Fog Play 10 matches on Water Hazard, Destroy 50 parts while unspotted on Water Hazard. Makes You Stronger Win 12 DMs, Play 6 DMs with fewer than 2 deaths. Muscle Help rebuild 100 parts with 1 crewmate. Neutralization Destroy 100 parts with Charged Rounds. Newton's Law Destroy 100 balloons. Night Watch Win 12 matches on Anglean, Spot 15 ships at a distance of more than 1000m on Anglean. Notches Win 12 DMs, Destroy 12 ships in DM. Now You See Me Shake 30 spots. Oil Stains Repair 150 non-gun parts. On Deck Play 2 matches, Repair 20 parts, Rebuild 6 parts. On Point Play 30 matches, Contest 10 points, Shake 30 spots. On The Horizon Win 4 DMs, Spot 10 ships at a distance of more then 1000m in DM (crew). On The Trigger's Edge Play 15 matches, Set 30 fires, Spot 30 ships. One Spark Set 50 balloons on fire (crew). Onslaughter Win 4 DMs, Destroy 20 hull armor in DM. Out Of The Blue Destroy 50 parts while unspotted. Overloaded Destroy 4 hull armor with Gatling, Destroy 30 parts with Greased Rounds. Path Of Destruction Win 25 matches, Play 20 matches with more than 3 kills. Perceptual Filter Spot 20 ships at a distance of >1000m, Spot 10 ships inside a cloud. Permafrost Win 12 matches on Anglean, Capture 30 points with Squid on Anglean. Persistence of Vision Spot 50 ships. Piercing The Veil Destroy 40 hull armor on a ship inside a cloud. Pop 'Em And Drop 'Em Play 12 matches, Destroy 12 balloons, Destroy 15 ships. Process Of Elimination Destroy 20 ships. Pyrophobia Extinguish 50 fires less than 5 seconds after they start. Rain Of Fire Set 100 parts on fire with Incendiary Rounds. Ready to Fly Play 2 matches, Destroy 20 parts (crew), Spend 10 seconds using helm skills. Red Glare Destroy 20 hull armor with Flak, Destroy 70 parts with Burst Rounds. Reporting For Duty Play 2 matches, Destroy 20 parts, Spot 3 ships. Research And Development Play 30 matches, Rebuild 40 guns, Buff 40 guns. Rise Together Help rebuild 50 balloons with 1 crewmate. Run Aground Help rebuild 50 balloons with 1 crewmate. Rust And Dust Play 8 matches on Scrap, Defend 8 points with Galleon on Scraps. Sand In Your Boots Win 8 matches on Dunes, Rebuild 40 hull armor on Dunes. Scattershot Destroy 1 balloon with Carronade, Destroy 20 parts with Burst Rounds. Scrap Heap Play 8 matches on Scrap, Destroy 20 ships on Scrap. Scrap Metal Win 30 matches - Destroy 50 Junkers (crew). Scratched Paint Win 12 CPs, Play 6 CPs with fewer than 2 deaths. Secret Project Buff 100 parts while unspotted. Ship Shape Help rebuild 100 parts with 1 crewmate. Shot In The Dark Destroy 10 parts on an unspotted ship. Silent Running Destroy 30 parts while unspotted (crew). Sinking Feeling Repair 80 balloons. Situational Awareness Spot 100 ships (crew), Destroy 30 ships inside a cloud (crew). Smoking Gun Win 8 CPs, Extinguish 50 fires on guns in CP. Sneak Attack Destroy 100 parts while unspotted (crew). Sound The Alarm Play 10 matches, Spot 10 ships, Extinguish 20 fires. Speedster Win 4 matches on Squid, Buff 20 engines on Squid. Spit And Bailing Wire Win 8 matches on Scrap, Buff 40 engines on Scrap. Squish Win 20 matches, Destroy 50 hull armor on enemy Squids. Stalling For Time Win 4 CPs, Rebuild 20 engines less then 15 seconds after they are destroyed in CP. Staying Alive Win 5 matches, Play 3 matches with fewer than 2 deaths. Steering Clear Win 3 matches, Destroy 80 parts (crew). Stem To Stern Rebuild 20 engines with Spanner, Extinguish 5 fires less than 10 seconds after they start. Still Alive Win 25 matches, Win 5 matches with no deaths. Suppression Fire Win 8 DMs, Set 100 fires in DM. Survival Of The Fiercest Win 12 DMs, Win 6 DMs with fewer than 2 deaths. Survival Skills Win 25 matches, Play 5 matches with no deaths. Sustained Fire Destroy 80 parts with Heavy Clip. Swimming In The Sky Win 2 matches on Goldfish, Fully repair 60 parts on Goldfish. Systems Status Repair 150 parts with Mallet. Take Cover Spend 60 seconds inside a cloud. Takedown Win 20 DMs, Destroy 50 balloons in DM. The Art Of War Play 20 matches, Repair 40 guns, Destroy 60 balloons. The Best Defense Buff 20 guns, Repair 20 balloons less than 10 seconds after they are damaged. The Good Stuff Spend 90 seconds using Moonshine, Spend 90 seconds using Impact Bumpers. Thick Skinned Win 16 matches on Flayed, Fully repair 100 hull armor on Flayed. Tin Can Win 30 matches, Destroy 50 hull armor on Junkers. To The Quick Destroy 50 hull armor. Tongue Lashing Destroy 300 parts with Flamethrower (crew). Trading Blows Repair 300 parts. Uncharted Territory Play 12 matches, Destroy 30 ships (crew), Capture 8 points. Unscheduled Maintenance Fully repair 50 guns with Wrench, Fully repair 20 parts while unspotted. Uplift Spot 20 ships at a distance of more than 750m. Vigilance Win 12 matches on Anglean, Spot 15 ships at a distance of more than 1000m on Anglean. Weapons Free Play 20 matches, Destroy 60 hull armor, Destroy 60 balloons. White Whaler Destroy 10 harpooned ships (crew). Workshopping Rebuild 80 parts with Spanner.