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Thread Title: Left 4 Dead 2

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    Default Left 4 Dead 2

    • "Swamp Fever: Level 1": "Eat Your Brains" song

    In the bar in the abandoned town, find the jukebox and play it to hear "Eat Your Brains" by Jonathan Coulton.

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    Default Re: Left 4 Dead 2

    • Easy "Gong Show" achievement

    Play level 4 of the Dark Carnival chapter. Find the strength-testing game in the first area. Inject adrenaline and hit it with a melee weapon.
    • Easy "Guardin' Gnome" achievement

    Play level 2 of the Dark Carnival chapter. Find the shooting range. Score over 500 points to make a garden gnome appear. Carry the gnome to the end of the level and board the chopper.
    • Easy "Stache Whacker" achievement

    Play level 4 of the Dark Carnival chapter. Find the Whack-A-Mole type arcade game. Attack it with a melee weapon and destroy it.
    • Easy The Quick And The Dead Achievement

    Adrenaline shots can be found on any level. Use an adrenaline shot then quickly revive a teammate 10 times for this Achievement. You can do this in certain safehouses in single player. Find a safehouse, like the first one in the Parish at the end of Act 1, and shoot your teammates until they are incapacitated. Use a shot, then quickly revive all three of them. Grab another shot and repeat this process a few times to get the Achievement.
    • Heal faster

    Use an adrenaline shot, then use your medikit to heal. This takes a lot less time, especially when you are dealing with a horde.

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