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Thread Title: Dragon Age 2

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    Default Dragon Age 2

    Cheat Modus

    Add the -enabledeveloperconsole command line parameter to end of the "Target" field in the "Shortcut" properties of the "da2.exe" file that is used to launch the game. Then press ~ during game play, type one of the following codes, then press [Enter] to activate the corresponding cheat function. Note: The console window and typed codes will not appear onscreen.

    Effect Code
    Add any member to your party runscript zz_dae_debug
    Add experience points to character(s) runscript addxp
    Gain indicated amount of gold runscript addmoney [number]
    God mode runscript pc_immortal
    Heals character(s) runscript healplayer

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    Default Re: Dragon Age 2

    • Joss Whedon reference

    During random companion dialogue in the city between Anders and Isabella, she mentions that abominations are easy to escape because they make loud noises like "Grr Argh", which Anders refutes saying "Abominations to not go Grr Argh". During the ending credits of Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Joss Whedon's "Mutant Enemy Productions" credit screen shows a little monster which says "Grr Argh?"
    • Sir Mixalot reference

    Take Isabella into the fade in the desire section. The demon will seduce her with the prospect of a boat in the harbor. When Isabella turns on you, she will say "I like big boats and I cannot lie", which is a reference to Sir Mixalot's "I Like Big Butts" song.
    • Wizard of Oz reference

    In your home when your mother says that her children should be nobles now, your uncle says "And if wishes were poppy we'd all be dreaming right now".

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