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Thread Title: 2048

All kinds of cheats & codes for the Nintendo 3DS

  1. #1
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    Default 2048


    When swiping in any direction, the entire level moves. Try to match as many squares as possible with each swipe and maximize the empty spaces. The more empty spaces, the easier it becomes to match more. Empty moves are those that result in no matches. Reduce these as much as possible because each move you make places an extra tile randomly on the level. Balance your growth and do not have one huge number and many small ones. Try to have about two of the highest level numbers at all times ready to be matched, followed by increasingly smaller amounts also in pairs and ready to be matched. If you get a single number to very high values, the level might fill before you get a new one to match it with. Focus on matching the small numbers (2s and 4s) that you get for awhile. Do not allow them to accumulate space on the level. While matching and mixing the small titles, you will be creating bigger matches. Swipe the level right, left and down only to build a nice base of tiles at the bottom. Then make a few moves and get some chains after swiping up to get very high numbers. Then, use those three directions again and repeat the process. This reduce where new tiles will appear and makes them easier to use.

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  3. #2
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    Default 2048

    Various Objectives

    Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding objective.

    Objective How to unlock
    10000 points Get a score of 10,000 points.
    100000 points Get a score of 100,000 points.
    1024 square Get your first 1024 square.
    1024 Star Complete 1024 mode.
    128 square Get your first 128 square.
    150000 points Get a score of 150,000 points.
    16384 square Get your first 16384 square.
    200000 points Get a score of 200,000 points.
    2048 square Get your first 2048 square.
    2048 Star Complete 2048 mode.
    250000 points Get a score of 250,000 points.
    256 square Get your first 256 square.
    4096 square Get your first 4096 square.
    4096 Star Complete 4096 mode.
    5000 points Get a score of 5,000 points.
    50000 points Get a score of 50,000 points.
    512 square Get your first 512 square.
    64 square Get your first 64 square.
    8192 square Get your first 8192 square.
    All stars Complete 1024, 2048 and 4096 modes.

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    Find free Unofficial Cheats, Tips, Codes, Passwords, Hints, Secrets, Game Shark, and Game Genie codes And much more including Cheat Engine Tables here at Video Game Cheats.

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