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Thread Title: Devil Survivor: Over Clock

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  1. #1
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    Default Devil Survivor: Over Clock

    New Game+ bonuses

    Begin a New Game+ session and spend the indicated amount of Title Points to unlock the corresponding bonus.

    10% off Compendium: 40 Title Points.
    30% off Compendium: 120 Title Points, requires "10% off Compendium".
    50% off Compendium: 200 Title Points, requires "30% off Compendium".
    Carry over 1 demon: 10 Title Points.
    Carry over 4 demons: 60 Title Points, requires "Carry over 1 demon".
    Carry over 8 demons: 180 Title Points, requires "Carry over 4 demons".
    Carry over all demons: 300 Title Points, requires "Carry over 8 demons".
    Carry over auction: 40 Title Points.
    Carry over Macca: 110 Title Points.
    Carry over skills: 10 Title Points.
    Fallen Star: 100 Title Points.
    Remove EX Title Points limit: 60 Title Points.
    Remove fusion LV limit: 70 Title Points.

    0 Not allowed! Not allowed!

    Find free Unofficial Cheats, Tips, Codes, Passwords, Hints, Secrets, Game Shark, and Game Genie codes And much more including Cheat Engine Tables here at Video Game Cheats.

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  3. #2
    Join Date
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    Adding video game cheat codes

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    Default Re: Devil Survivor: Over Clock


    Successfully complete the game with the following tasks finished to unlock the corresponding title and number of Title Points. Beat the game, and you can win Titles based on your achievement. Each of these Titles are worth a certain number of points, which you can use to purchase Rewards for your next playthrough.

    Blessed (60 Title Points): Finished the Amane route.
    Demon Collector (100 Title Points): Registered all generic-fusion demons.
    Demon Wrangler (400 Title Points): Registered all possible demons.
    Despot (20 Title Points): Finished the Naoya/Kaido 8th day while killing.
    Escapee (60 Title Points): Finished the Yuzu route.
    Focused (200 Title Points): Finished the game with no free battles.
    Ghost Buster (90 Title Points): Thwarted Yomotsu Ikusa's scheme.
    Gin's Savior (20 Title Points): Saved Gin in battle.
    Haru's Savior (20 Title Points): Prevented Haru's death.
    Hell Fighter (120 Title Points): Emerged victorious from Nebiros' challenge.
    Keisuke's Savior (20 Title Points): Prevented Keisuke's death.
    Mari's Savior (20 Title Points): Prevented Mari's death.
    Master (60 Title Points): Finished the Atsuro route.
    Messiah (20 Title Points): Finished the Amane route's 8th day.
    Muckraker (20 Title Points): Discovered the government's secret weapon.
    Overlord (60 Title Points): Finished the Naoya/Kaido route.
    Peacemaker (20 Title Points): Finished the Yuzu route's 8th day.
    Prize Winner (30 Title Points): Emerged victorious from Ghost Q's challenge.
    Reinforcer (20 Title Points): Strengthened the barrier on Yuzu's 8th day.
    Skillful (150 Title Points): Cracked all possible skills.
    Sleepwalker (60 Title Points): Saved the Sage of Time's Victims.
    Star Destroyer (200 Title Points): Emerged victorious from Lucifer's challenge.
    Survivor (70 Title Points): Finished the game once.
    Unkillable (200 Title Points): Finished the game without any deaths.
    Vanquisher (60 Title Points): Finished the Gin route.
    Warlord (20 Title Points): Finished the Naoya/Kaido 8th day without killing.

    0 Not allowed! Not allowed!

    Find free Unofficial Cheats, Tips, Codes, Passwords, Hints, Secrets, Game Shark, and Game Genie codes And much more including Cheat Engine Tables here at Video Game Cheats.

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