8111AADC XXXX Have Cheat Modifier 1

Replace XXXX with:
0001 Warp-Port of Adia
0002 Warp-River of Souls
0004 Warp-Death Marshes
0008 Warp-Liar of The Blind Ones
0010 Warp-Hive of The Mantis
0020 Warp-Primagen's Lightship
0040 Warp-Queen Boss
0080 Warp-Blind One Boss
0100 Warp-Mother Boss
0200 Warp-Primagen Boss
0400 Warp-Credits
07FF All of The Above

8111AADE XXXX Have Cheat Modifier 2

Replace XXXX with:
0001 Invincibility
0002 Infinite Lives
0004 All Weapons
0008 Unlimited Ammo
0010 All Special Objects
0020 Big Head Mode
0040 Tiny Mode
0080 Stick Mode
0100 Big Hands/Feet Mode
0200 Pen & Ink Mode
0400 Gouraud Mode
0800 Juan's Cheat
1000 Zach Attack
2000 All Map
4000 Blackout
8000 Frooty Stripes
FFFF All of The Above

This code only works with the 'Normal' 4-Meg Ram-Story Mode

D00F5C61 0020 L Button for Moon Jump

This code only works with the 'Upgradedl' 8-Meg Ram-Story Mode

D00F5C61 0020 L Button For Moon Jump