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Thread Title: Rayman 2: The Great Escape

The place for the Nintendo 64 Game Shark and Pro Action Replay codes! (some codes are official and others are unofficial)

  1. #1
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    Default Rayman 2: The Great Escape

    800F4B91 0096 Infinite Air
    801F1103 0064 Infinite Time (The Walk of Life & Power)
    891F1210 8780 GS Button For Have All Masks
    811BC64C 001E Infinite Health

    810C70F8 7FFF Have All Crates
    810C70fA FFFF
    810C70FC FFFF
    810C70FE FFFF
    810C7100 FFFF
    800C7102 00FF

    50006401 0000 Lotsa' Lums Part 1
    800C7108 00FF

    500019010000 Lotsa' Lums Part 2

    810C70F0 FFFF Open Map
    810C70F2 FFFF

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    Find free Unofficial Cheats, Tips, Codes, Passwords, Hints, Secrets, Game Shark, and Game Genie codes And much more including Cheat Engine Tables here at Video Game Cheats.

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  3. #2
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Rayman 2: The Great Escape

    811F1200 FFFF Have All Levels
    811F1202 FFFF

    811F1182 0005 Have All Yellow Lums
    811F1188 FFFF
    811F118A FFFF
    811F118C FFFF
    811F118E FFFF
    811F1190 FFFF
    811F1192 FFFF
    811F1194 FFFF
    811F1196 FFFF
    811F1198 FFFF
    811F119A FFFF
    811F119C FFFF
    811F119E FFFF
    811F11A0 FFFF
    811F11A2 FFFF
    811F11A4 FFFF
    811F11A6 FFFF
    811F11A8 FFFF
    811F11AA FFFF
    811F11AC FFFF
    811F11AE FFFF
    811F11B0 FFFF
    811F11B2 FFFF
    811F11B4 FFFF
    811F11B6 FFFF
    811F11B8 FFFF
    811F11BA FFFF
    811F11BC FFFF
    811F11BE FFFF
    811F11C0 FFFF
    811F11C2 FFFF
    811F11C4 FFFF
    811F11C6 FFFF
    811F11C8 FFFF
    811F11CA FFFF
    811F11CC FFFF
    811F11CE FFFF
    811F11D0 FFFF
    811F11D2 FFFF
    811F11D4 FFFF
    811F11D6 FFFF
    811F11D8 FFFF
    811F11DA FFFF
    811F11DC FFFF
    811F11DE FFFF
    811F11E0 FFFF
    811F11E2 FFFF
    811F11E4 FFFF
    811F11E6 FFFF
    811F11E8 FFFF
    811F11EA FFFF
    811F121C FFFF
    811F121E FFFF
    811F1220 FFFF
    811F1222 FFFF
    811F1224 FFFF
    811F1226 FFFF
    811F1228 FFFF
    811F122A FFFF
    811F122C FFFF
    811F122E FFFF
    811F1230 FFFF
    811F1232 FFFF
    811F1234 FFFF
    811F1236 FFFF

    801F1142 0050 Have All Pirate Cages
    811F11F0 FFFF
    811F11F2 FFFF
    811F11F4 FFFF
    811F11F6 FFFF
    811F11F8 00FF
    811F11FA FFFF

    0 Not allowed! Not allowed!

    Find free Unofficial Cheats, Tips, Codes, Passwords, Hints, Secrets, Game Shark, and Game Genie codes And much more including Cheat Engine Tables here at Video Game Cheats.

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