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Thread Title: Animaniacs: The Great Edgar Hunt

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    Default Animaniacs: The Great Edgar Hunt

    Once Upon A Time Edgars

    Effect - Code

    Edgar #1 - Find 125 collectables.
    Edgar #2 - Find all 300 collectables.
    Edgar #3 - Complete Bo Peep's Close Shave.
    Edgar #4 - Complete The Wood, the Witch and the Turtle.
    Edgar #5 - Complete Little Miss-placed Muffet.
    Edgar #6 - Complete Billy Goat Bridge Bash.
    Edgar #7 - Complete Enter the Dragon.
    Edgar #8 - Locate Chicken Boo.

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    Default Animaniacs: The Great Edgar Hunt

    Spooky Movie Edgars

    Effect - Code

    Edgar #1 - Find 125 collectables.
    Edgar #2 - Find all 300 collectables.
    Edgar #3 - Complete Exorcise in the Front Garden.
    Edgar #4 - Complete Puzzle Cube Conundrum.
    Edgar #5 - Complete Ghoulish Fountain Frolics.
    Edgar #6 - Complete Here comes the Bride... She's Alive.
    Edgar #7 - Complete Crypt-ic Bone Search.
    Edgar #8 - Locate Chicken Boo.

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  4. #3
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    Default Animaniacs: The Great Edgar Hunt

    Tool locations

    The following is a list of the tools locations.

    Bombs: Just next to the light switch in King O'Sullivans Mines you will find another mouse cage. The bombs are your reward for winning the Pinky And The Brain mini-game.

    Grass Skirt: This one is easy to miss -- go into Once Upon A Time. Find the dirt mound and shovel sign directly outside the entrance. Dig it up to find the skirt.

    Magnifying Glass: Makes Chicken Boo's footprints visible. In Once Upon A Time is a mouse cage in the early areas of the dragon's cave. Win the Pinky And The Brain mini-game to win the glass.

    Night-Vision Goggles: They are in King O'Sullivans Mines. O'Sullivan gives them to you once you have found the permanent light switch in the mine. To enter the mine, find all three pieces of the door key.

    Proton Accelerator Pack: You get this from Boogor in Spooky Movie. He is just inside the front door to the mansion. The Proton Accelerator Pack is a long distance weapon.

    Scuba Mask: Talk to Duffy Fish at the start of Once Upon A Time and he will give it to you. The Scuba Mask allows you to swim underwater.

    Shovel: There is a mouse cage outside the back of the mansion in Spooky Movie, near the roller ghoster entrance. Win the Pinky And The Brain mini-game to win the shovel. The Shovel is used for digging up buried treasure.

    Suction Cups: You get them in Ye Old West, outside the Prospector's Mine. Talk to Ol' Skookum Jim near the entrance to the mine. The Suction Cups allow you to climb walls with paw prints on them.

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  5. #4
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    Default Animaniacs: The Great Edgar Hunt

    Warner Film Lot Edgars

    Effect - Code

    Edgar #1 - Find 125 collectables.
    Edgar #2 - Find all 300 collectables.
    Edgar #3 - Collect all 6 script pages.
    Edgar #4 - Locate Chicken Boo.
    Edgar #5 - Defeat C. C. Deville.

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    Find free Unofficial Cheats, Tips, Codes, Passwords, Hints, Secrets, Game Shark, and Game Genie codes And much more including Cheat Engine Tables here at Video Game Cheats.

  6. #5
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    Default Animaniacs: The Great Edgar Hunt

    Ye Old West Edgars

    Effect - Code

    Edgar #1 - Find 125 collectables.
    Edgar #2 - Find all 300 collectables.
    Edgar #3 - Complete Moody Clan Round Up.
    Edgar #4 - Complete Down the Tracks.
    Edgar #5 - Complete Reservation Rain Dance.
    Edgar #6 - Complete Horse Shoe Shenanigans.
    Edgar #7 - Complete Bucking Champion.
    Edgar #8 - Locate Chicken Boo.

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    Find free Unofficial Cheats, Tips, Codes, Passwords, Hints, Secrets, Game Shark, and Game Genie codes And much more including Cheat Engine Tables here at Video Game Cheats.

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