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Thread Title: Seaman Cheat Codes (for Sega Dreamcast)

Cheat codes, tips guides & hints for games on the Sega Dreamcast

  1. #1
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    Default Seaman Cheat Codes (for Sega Dreamcast)

    • Drain the aquarium

    When the seaman gets old enough he will help you move the rock to drain the aquarium.
    • Give your Seaman a new name

    After naming your Seaman the first time, repeatedly ask "Do you love me?". Eventually, you will be able to change your Seaman's name.
    • Hidden audio

    Place the game disc in an audio CD player and play track two to hear a hidden message.
    • Hypnotize Seaman

    Select a Seaman and move the Analog-stick in circles around its head.
    • Infinite food

    Note: This trick requires two VMUs. Start and save a new game using a second VMU. Connect this VMU to a VMU that has an ongoing game. Transfer the food from the new game to the ongoing game. Repeat this as needed for unlimited food.
    • Keep him happy

    Whenever you put the clock ahead on the VMU and you get back to where you left off except for a day or two later, add air and fix the heater. Then put the gillmen in a good mood! When you leave for that long they get mad and when they grow up, if you had never tickled them then they are very moody.

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    Default Re: Seaman

    • Move rocks

    Press X + R and press Left or Right when over a rock to move it.
    • Quick evolution into Gillman stage

    While playing the game, you will see a shell at the bottom of the tank. Keep tapping the shell until it starts to eat your newborn Seaman. After they are eaten, tap the shell more until the squid completely comes out. It will squirm, and eventually after tapping it enough, it will die and the baby Seaman will appear and will be in the next stage (Gillman). Hold A while talking into the microphone to speak to your Seaman.
    • Quick evolve

    Set the Dreamcast's system date ahead several days for faster evolution. However, the tank will also not be maintained for that amount of time.
    • Talking to your Seaman

    It is good to talk to your Seaman frequently. You need to teach them how to talk. Try to talk as clear as possible. Hold the A and talk into the microphone. The Gillman stage is the stage when it will first start to talk. Use these words when talking to your Seaman: Hi, Hello, Hey, No, Yes, Seaman, Fish, Fun, Play, (and more). Experiment, but do not call it bad name or it will become unhappy. Also, remember to feed it in the morning and at night (two times every day).

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