Tested and confirmed*

*on my system, which has had the controller port resistors removed & their connections bridged.

Pictured is a wireless IR keyboard with a built in trackball & 2 button mouse, that has a pair of old (pre-usb) ps/2 plugs.

When using that with the two "Total Control 5" adapters (pictured small plugs in the dreamcast), the receiver of the keyboard/mouse combo functions normally, and I was able to play Unreal Tournament with the unit successfully.

I sucked at it, because the mouse was spread across the keyboard, and the arrow-keys on this particular keyboard are stiff/sucky.

But, confirmed that it works.

There doesn't seem to be any power drain issues, as I played with a stock official controller in port 4 - for vmu access to the game, and played for over 30 minutes. The normal power drain issues didn't occur (vmu's not being registered, or random power-down of the system), but I'll be using this keyboard with PSO online play for a while to re-evaluate its long-term usage.

A slight update on my overall progress - the idea of using the two wireless xbox logitech controllers was a great accomplishment, but now that I have two, and tested to see if there was a power drain issue when using two, I found that neither worked. Further investigation finds that nothing else will function if even just one of the xbox logitech wireless controllers is plugged in the system.

Verdict = my system will, and all dreamcasts that have had their resistors removed/bridged, can support one and only one xbox wireless controller, and nothing else at the time.

So, instead of having a pair of controllers like I originally planned, I perused this topics idea; wireless mouse/keyboard combo to be used when the xbox controller isn't plugged in. (the 4th controller port is for a vcd receiver)

I have a pair of USB to PS/2 adapters coming in the mail shortly, and will be testing to see if current generation USB mouse / keyboards function normally, as I'm not happy with the stiffness of this Earthwalk keyboard. I read a report that someone had an optical mouse working with that "Total Control 5" adapter, and am curious to see if it can be replicated.

What I would really like to do is gut the transmitter out of the Earthwalk Keyboard and somehow put it in the japanese clear official dreamcast keyboard, and add the necessary power supply, so that its a semi-official wireless dreamcast keyboard. I then want to take a sega Saturn mouse shell, and build in the optical components out of a mouse, and if possible make it wireless, or possibly wired to the keyboard (a more likely scenario).

*note, the TC5 adapter is damn rare and hard to find, I had to order old stock from this website. It was an odd transaction, as I had to email the site for purchase information and shipping totals, then submit paypal payment without any sort of official forms. I spent almost $60 to have two adapters shipped to me in the United States.