So yeah, this year in school I had tons of extracurriculars, not to mention honors and AP classes... never had time to visit my favorite forum! So, I'll probably be here for the summer. I decided to pick up a USB modem v9.2 wth voice and fax so I can setup my own PC-DC server :D

So, uh, I've noticed this site and the DC scene in general has changed! I mean a USB adapter? Crazy! Also, I tried to get TuxTheWise's DCRES split release of Sonic Adventure 2, but it seems RapidShare nixed it :(

So what else has changed in the past year or two in the Dreamcast scene? Cool homebrew tools? New indie games? Emulators? Please enlighten me :)

Also, expect to see me on PSO sometime when I get my modem ;)