Hey all
havnt been on forum in awhile, well been visting forum everynow and then just havnt posted in awhile.
Anyway, finally got well back into Skies of Arcadia - been doing everything I can in the gme only I've come to a halt trying to get cupil to evolve - seems there was 1 cham that was from DLC only!
Now thinking realisticly I doubt it was ever DLC - more like what gears of war 2 was known for in that the content is more than likely on the retail game disc and that it's unlocked through DLC.
I had a BBA but have sold it (like a lemon) - is there ANY way of getting the DLC island? I read on an ancient forum that there was a cheat disc code to get it but have had no luck finding one - I was also hoping for ir to be on the vmu tool disc I've got but cant seem to find it on there either.
Can someone help me out? (please)