To all the members here, what was your experience like with the DC during its prime soecificallh from 99-02? Personally, I remember purchasing the DC back when they first announced they would no longer be manufacturing fhe dc..i think that was like summer 2001 for me. the first game i bought was nfl 2k....i was absolutely blown away with the was so far and above anything i had seen on ps1. my first online experience was q3a followed by UT and finally all of the 2k2 sports titles....that was freaking amazing to me even as a 21 year old at the time...i had never experienced any sort of online gaming prior to the dc. i was in college, had no pc, and certainly could not afford one. never had one as a kid either. ever since then, DC is up there as one of mh favorite consoles of all time...definately my favorite sega console. in fact my video game collection has beenbought and sold a couple of times now due to financial problems in the past, but i have Never touched my dc collection...except for selling illbleed and mvc2 which i plan on obtaining again eventually. any way this is a topic that has interested me for a long while about the DC community.