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Thread Title: Beatmania 4th mix

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    Default Beatmania 4th mix

    3 secret songs

    To play 3 secret songs:

    1) insert coin

    2) On the 2nd player keys press 1-4-3-5-2-4-1-5 (refer to key layout)

    2 4
    1 3 5

    3) Press & hold the effector button, then press start

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    Default Beatmania 4th mix

    Hidden locked songs

    The following songs can be unlocked with the following key: *LOUNGE / Spaced Out *DEEP HOUSE / Peace-out *DANCE POP / Deep In You After insert coins, press the following keys (from left to right): 6-9-8-10-7-9-6-10 on the 2P keyboard and finally, press start while holding down the EFFECT button.

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  4. #3
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    Default Beatmania 4th mix

    Song list choice mode

    All songs can be selected without playing between stages to get them all: After insert coins, during the tittle screen, enter the following cheat (Taking into account the order of 1P and 2P key controls, from left (1) to right (10)): 6-10-9-8-9-8-9-6-7-6-6-10-9-8-9-8-9-6-7-6-6 Then, press START while holding down the effector plus the 2nd and 4th keys.

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